8448 Invalid Custom Directory specified in corelapp.ini. 8449 coreldrw.hlp 8450 Find and Replace 8451 Find has reached the end of the text. \nDo you want to continue the search \nfrom the beginning of the text? 8452 Search text not found! 8453 Unknown Operation 8454 Typing 8455 Break Paragraph 8456 Delete 8457 Delete Selection 8458 Paste 8459 Cut 8460 Select Text 8461 Cursor Move 8462 Apply Style 8463 Revert To Style 8464 Change Multiple Attributes 8465 Change Alignment 8466 Change Spacing 8467 Change Tabs 8468 Change Bullet 8469 Change Indents 8470 Change Hypenation 8471 Change Color 8472 Change Typeface 8473 Change Type Style 8474 Change Type Size 8475 Change Type Angle 8476 Change Character Shifts 8477 Change Range Kerning 8478 Change Line Attributes 8479 Change Drop Cap 8480 Change Case 8481 Replace Text 8482 Change Paragraph Text Frame 8483 Drag and Drop Text 8484 Change Anchor Name 8485 Change HotLink 8486 Change Text Interactively 8487 Change Text Direction 8488 QuickCorrect 8489 Drag Out of Text 8490 Link Paragraph Text Frames 8491 Change Language 8528 QuickCorrect 8529 .?!& 。ソ 8530 monday 8531 tuesday 8532 wednesday 8533 thursday 8534 friday 8535 saturday 8536 sunday 8537 This entry already exists. Do you want to Replace it? 8538 Are you sure you want to delete this entry? 8539 % of Char. height 8540 points 8541 % of Pt. size 8542 AaBbYyZz 8543 This is a TrueType font. 8544 This is a PostScript Type 1 font. 8545 (none) 8546 Single Thin 8547 Single Thin Word 8548 Single Thick 8549 Single Thick Word 8550 Double Thin 8551 Double Thin Word 8552 ニxニxAa12 8553 Thin 8554 Thin-Italic 8555 ExtraLight 8556 ExtraLight-Italic 8557 Light 8558 Light-Italic 8559 Normal 8560 Normal-Italic 8561 Medium 8562 Medium-Italic 8563 SemiBold 8564 SemiBold -Italic 8565 Bold 8566 Bold-Italic 8567 ExtraBold 8568 ExtraBold-Italic 8569 Black 8570 Black-Italic 8571 (Not Found) 8572 There are no fonts available for text. 8573 (none) 8574 Small CAPS 8575 All CAPS 8576 Subscript 8577 Superscript 8578 Bullet 8579 Drop cap 8580 &Underline: 8581 &Leftline: 8582 &Overline: 8583 &Rightline: 8584 ー。ウェAa12 8585 、、、蘂a12 8586 ヨミホトAa12 8587 Default Graphic 8588 Default Artistic Text 8589 Default Paragraph Text 8590 Edit Underline 8591 Edit Overscore 8592 Edit Strikethru 8593 Paragraph Text Frames: 8594 Linked Frames: 8595 Empty Frames: 8596 Not all of the text fits in the frames. 8597 Not all of the text fits in the frame. 8598 Artistic Text Objects: 8599 Paragraphs: 8600 Paragraphs: 8601 Lines: 8602 Words: 8603 Characters: 8604 \nAll Text In Document 8605 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Object, %d Paragraph Text Frame 8606 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Object, %d Paragraph Text Frames 8607 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Objects, %d Paragraph Text Frame 8608 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Objects, %d Paragraph Text Frames 8609 \nSelection: Artistic Text Object 8610 \nSelection: %d Artistic Text Objects 8611 \nSelection: Paragraph Text Frame 8612 \nSelection: Linked Paragraph Text Frames 8613 \nSelection: %d Paragraph Text Frames 8614 Number of styles used: 8615 Fonts used: 8616 Bullet &indent: 8617 There are already %d tabs which is the maximum number allowed. 8618 There are no symbol fonts installed. 8619 Selected Frames Only 8620 Selected And Subsequent Frames 8621 All Frames 8622 Paragraphs can contain a maximum of 32,000 characters. The remainder will not be used. 8623 Can't Allocate memory to be used for proof reading a sentence.\nSentence skipped 8624 Error allocating memory.\nProcess is not completed. 8625 This is not a valid number.\nCan't set the new font size. 8626 Text import error 8627 This action cannot be completed because it would produce a text object with too many paragraphs. 8628 Font Options 8629 Please select at least one font option 8630 Please select at least one type of style in the style list 8631 There isn't any text in this document! 8632 No fonts available. Reset all options. 8633 Spell Assist internal error '%d'. 8634 Add 8635 No Alternate Spelling 8636 Cannot initialize Spell Assist 8637 Cannot initialize QuickSpell plug-in 8638 Error while checking word 8639 Cannot initialize Hyphenation 8640 Cannot shutdown Hyphenation 8641 Soft Returns 8642 Hard Returns 8643 Tabs 8644 Spaces 8645 Fail to set spell assist data 8646 Grayscale value: 8647 Tint value: 8648 Format Text 8649 !%),.?]}。」、・ァィゥェォャュョッー゙゚、。,.・:;?!゛゜ヽヾゝゞ々ー’”)〕]}〉》」』】9 ヽ″±  ‰ x 。 」 ・ ァ チ    @BDFHb& ! }"  8650 $([\{「‘“(〔[{〈《「『【¥$ 8651 ,.。、、。,. 8652 Top 8653 Bottom 8654 Full 8655 Center 8656 Left 8657 Right 8658 Decimal 8659 Tabs 8660 Alignment 8661 Leadered 8662 Latin 8663 Hebrew 8664 Arabic 8665 All Characters 8666 Latin Characters 8667 Arabic Characters 8668 Hebrew Characters 8669 Apply to 8670 Direction 8671 Right-to-left columns 8672 Asian Characters 8673 Left 8674 Right 8675 Top 8676 Bottom 8677 Latin 8678 Asian 8679 Middle Eastern 8680 Column # 8681 Width 8682 Gutter 8683 None 8684 Center 8685 Full justify 8686 Force justify 8687 Horizontal 8688 Vertical 8689 Left to Right 8690 Right to Left 8691 IDS_NOBIDISUPPORT 42944 Changes the spacing of text to have 1 line spacing\n1 Line Spacing 42945 Changes the spacing of text to have 1.5 line spacing\n1.5 Line Spacing 42946 Changes the spacing of text to have 2 line spacing\n2 Line Spacing 42947 Changes all text characters to capital letters\nAll Capitals 42948 Changes the style of text to subscript\nSubscript 42949 Changes the style of text to superscript\nSuperscript 42950 Sets/resets the DropCap for the text object (toggle)\nShow/Hide DropCap 42951 Increases the text indent\nIncrease Indent 42952 Decreases the text indent\nDecrease Indent 42953 Changes the alignment of text to force last line full alignment\nForce Full Alignment 42954 Changes the alignment of text to have no alignment\nNo Alignment 42955 Changes the alignment of text to center alignment\nCenter Alignment 42956 Changes the alignment of text to left alignment\nLeft Alignment 42957 Changes the alignment of text to right alignment\nRight Alignment 42958 Changes the alignment of text to full alignment\nFull Alignment 42959 Changes the style of text to underline\nUnderline 42960 Changes the style of text to bold\nBold 42961 Changes the style of text to italic\nItalic 42962 Sets/resets the bullet for the text object (toggle)\nShow/Hide Bullet 42963 Changes the justification of text to Top\nTop VerticalJustify 42964 Changes the justification of text to Bottom\nBottom Vertical Justify 42965 Changes the justification of text to Centre\nCenter Vertical Justify 42966 Changes the justification of text to Full\nFull Vertical Justify 42967 Adds or removes columns from a paragraph text frame\nColumns 42968 Formats the font face and weight of Artistic characters and text\nCharacter 42969 Formats the properties of Paragraph text\nParagraph 42970 Toggle Horizontal and Vertical text