24511 Default 24512 No printers have been installed. 24513 Composite 24514 Disabled 24515 Even & Odd 24516 Even %s 24517 Odd %s 24518 No printers are installed. Would you like to add one? 24519 Left & Right 24520 Left Pages 24521 Right Pages 24522 &Maximum: 24523 Wi&dth: 24524 Cyan 24525 Magenta 24526 Yellow 24527 Black 24528 Color 24529 Frequency 24530 Angle 24531 Overprint 24532 Standard Defaults 24533 No PostScript screen sets found in CORELPRN.INI! 24534 Unable to locate the file %s in the data directory \nor the custom directory!\n 24535 Default 24536 Dot 24537 Line 24538 Print File (*.prn)|*.prn|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 24539 Print File (*.prn)|*.prn|Postscript File (*.ps)|*.ps|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 24540 Print To File 24541 Custom 24542 Error accessing %s. Mac preparation halted. 24543 Print Job Info Sheet to Text File 24544 Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 24545 Print Job Info Sheet 24546 Print Job Info File (*.pji)|*.pji|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 24547 High 24548 Medium 24549 Low 24550 Draft 24551 %ld dpi 24552 %ld dpi x %ld dpi 24553 (%s) 24554 %3.3f Points 24555 You are about to delete the style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed? 24556 Error loading %s. 24557 As in document (%s) 24558 Custom 24559 Full Page 24560 Book 24561 Booklet 24562 Tent-Card 24563 Side-Fold Card 24564 Top-Fold Card 24565 Tri-Fold Card 24566 Double Sided Full Page 24567 Ready 24568 Paused 24569 Error 24570 Pending Deletion 24571 Paper Jam 24572 Paper Out 24573 Manual Feed 24574 Paper Problem 24575 Offline 24576 I/O Active 24577 Busy 24578 Printing 24579 Output Bin Full 24580 Not Available 24581 Waiting 24582 Processing 24583 Initializing 24584 Warming Up 24585 Toner Low 24586 No Toner 24587 Page Punt 24588 User Intervention Required 24589 Out Of Memory 24590 Door Open 24591 Server Unknown 24592 ; 24593 Default printer 24594 %d documents waiting 24595 1 document waiting 24596 Don't group 24597 Refeed this stack with this sheet 24598 in the direction of the arrow. 24599 Use the smaller arrow if your printer feeds the paper along the long edge. 24601 FACE UP 24602 FACE DOWN 24603 The first side of your print job is being printed. \n \nWhen the printer is finished, follow the instructions on top of the stack of printed sheets. \n \nOnce you have done this, click Continue to print the second side. 24604 The first side of your print job is being printed. \n \nWhen the printer is finished, refeed the stack for printing on the second side. The stack should be fed %s, with the %s edge that came out of the printer facing into the paper feed. \n \nOnce you have done this, click Continue to print the second side. 24605 face up 24606 face down 24607 first 24608 last 24609 C&urrent slide 24610 C&urrent thumbnail 24611 C&urrent frame 24612 C&urrent handout 24613 Sl&ide&s: 24614 Thumbna&ils: 24615 Fr&ames: 24616 H&andouts: 24617 Style name cannot be empty. 24618 0° 24619 180° 24620 Unable to access printer driver.Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver. 24621 The style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings? 24622 This is the name of a built-in style that cannot be changed. 24623 Manual Double-Sided Printing 24624 Page %d 24625 Slide %d 24626 Thumbnail %d 24627 Frame %d 24628 Handout %d 24629 %3.4f x %3.4f %s 24630 %3.4f %s 24631 &Close 24632 &Options... 24633 %d%% 24634 To Page 24635 To Width 24636 To Height 24637 To Selected 24638 To Fit 24639 AaBbCcDdEeXxYyZz 24640 (Print Preview) 24641 Signature %d 24642 Front 24643 Back 24644 - 24645 Seps 24646 Composite 24647 CMYK 24648 Hexachrome 24649 && 24650 Spot 24651 Printer: 24652 Composite 24653 (%s) 24654 Signature 24655 Side 24656 Plate 24657 Page(s) 24658 %d of %d 24659 , 24660 Nothing is selected to be printed 24661 No plates matching the View|Plate setting are selected for printing. 24662 Width: %s Height: %s Position: (%s, %s) 24663 None 24664 , 24665 %s Densitometer Scale 24666 No 24667 Preview of duotone separations is not supported 24668 Zoom In 24669 Zoom Out 24670 Print Previe&w 24671 Sta&ndard 24672 &Toolbox 24673 &Zoom... 24674 &Property Bar 24675 Disabled for this printer 24676 Disabled for composite 24677 Not configured for separations 24678 Print 24679 Print Options 24680 Level 1 24681 Level 2 24682 PostScript 3 24683 P&repress... 24684 N-up Format 24685 Layout Template 24686 Layout Template (Front) 24687 Layout Template (Back) 24688 Nothing is selected to be printed. Check your page range and/or color separation settings. 24689 You have requested that the name of the current signature layout be included in this print style. However, the current signature layout has not been saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the current signature layout?\n\n 24690 Choose Yes to save this signature layout now, No to continue saving this print style without the name of a signature layout, or Cancel if you do not wish to save this print style at this time. 24691 You have requested that the name of the current n-up format be included in this print style. However, the current n-up format has not been saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the current n-up format?\n\n 24692 Choose Yes to save this n-up format now, No to continue saving this print style without the name of a n-up format, or Cancel if you do not wish to save this print style at this time. 24693 Generic Profile 24694 Could not find DCS file %s, do you want to continue printing? 24695 As in document 24696 Fit to page 24697 Center of page 24698 Top center 24699 Left center 24700 Right center 24701 Bottom center 24702 Top left corner 24703 Top right corner 24704 Bottom left corner 24705 Bottom right corner 24706 Custom 24707 - 24708 Not installed 24709 Not used for grayscale output 24710 Option 24711 Setting 24712 No printers installed 24713 Do not override 24714 (Portrait) 24715 (Landscape) 24716 Tiled pages: off 24717 Tiled pages: 1 24718 Tiled pages: %d 24719 x 1 24720 x %d 24721 Selection: 24722 Page range: 24723 (%s, %s) 24724 Maximum zoom level achieved. 24725 Zoom 24726 Pick Tool 24727 Signature Layout 24728 N-up Format 24729 Marks Placement 24730 Zoom Tool 24731 x: 24732 y: 24733 % 24734 Profiles 24735 Print 24736 You cannot print more than one document simultaneously. You must either wait for the current print job to finish or cancel it. 24737 &Help 24738 Microsoft Fax Driver 24739 PUB: 24740 There are no colors available for separation. Color separations have been turned off. 24741 Blank Page Insertion 24742 When printing, do you want %s to use your left/right page settings, inserting blank pages where necessary? 24743 Blank Page 24744 Press ESC to Cancel. 24745 corelap.hlp 24746 The name may not exceed 50 characters in length. 24747 Imposition Layout 24748 Imposition Layout - Page 24749 Imposition Layout - Gutter 24750 Imposition Layout - Margins 24751 CMYK 24752 RGB 24753 Grayscale 24754 This layout is stored in a .cly file created by an incompatible Corel application. 24755 (PPD) %s 24756 Select PPD File 24757 PostScript Printer Descriptions (*.ppd)|*.ppd|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 24758 Page only 24759 Bookmarks 24760 Thumbnails 24761 Full screen 24762 [Default] %s 24763 Device Independent PostScript File 24764 C 24765 M 24766 Y 24767 K 24768 O 24769 G 24770 - 24771 Plate: %d of %d 24772 Color profile: 24773 %.5g lpi at %.5g degrees 24774 Default screen 24775 Composite 24776 PPD Properties 24777 Imposition Layout 24778 Imposition Layout 24779 %s\nCould not locate or successfully parse the selected PPD file.\nDo you wish to select another one? 24780 %s\nCould not successfully parse the selected PPD file. 24781 , 24782 The printer is currently unavailable.\n\nThe printer and/or server may be offline. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to reinstall the printer. 24783 http://product.corel.com/draw9/english/app/WebLinks.txt 24784 Layouts 24785 Show Previe&w 24786 Hide Previe&w 24787 PPD File Values 24788 %1!d! of %2!d! 24789 PostScript Custom Page Size 24790 The height entred is incorrect. Please enter the correct height. 24791 The width entred is incorrect. Please enter the correct width. 24792 Printing Preferences 24793 Printing 24794 Driver Compatibility 24795 Preflight 24796 Preflight 24797 No Issues 24798 1 Issue 24799 %d Issues 24800 Press ESC to cancel - Printing 24801 24802 %s 24803 %s Plate 24804 Tile %d 24805 , 24806 Analyzing document... 24807 Print Style (.prs)|*.prs|| 24808 Print Styles 24809 Save Settings As 24810 Browse... 24811 Document color 24812 Print using ink 24813 Convert to process 24814 Left 24815 Top 24816 Width 24817 Height 24818 Width Scale Factor 24819 Height Scale Factor 24820 Tiles Across 24821 Tiles Down 24822 Maintain Aspect Ratio 24823 Settings for %s: 24824 Freq 24825 Custom 24826 Color 24827 Grayscale 24828 Monochrome 24829 ColorStatus 24830 MonochromeStatus 24831 GrayscaleStatus 24832 Save As 24833 Save PPD File 24834 : 24835 General 24836 Margins 24837 Horizontal Gutter %d 24838 Vertical Gutter %d 24839 Page at Position %d x %d 24840 {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab180{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss Arial}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green0\blue0;}\pard\fs16 24841 } 24842 \b\cf1 24843 \plain\fs16 24844 \pard\li180\fi-180{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf0\pnindent180{\pntxtb\'b7}}\plain\fs16 24845 {\pntext\'b7\tab} 24846 \pard\par\plain\fs16 24847 \par 24848 Details: 24849 Suggestion: 24850 Suggestions: 24851 Tip: 24852 There are currently no issues to report 24853 {\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab180{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss Arial}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red128\green0\blue0;}\pard\fs16 This page will list potential problems or issues that you should be aware of regarding your print job.\par\par There are no known issues with the current 24854 document or print settings. Check again just before you print this document and future print jobs.\par\par\b\cf1 Tip:\plain\fs16 You can view or change which issues are checked for by clicking on Preflight Settings, below.} 24855 Plates with same screen angle 24856 Image or marks not fitting in media's printable area 24857 Blank page(s) in document 24858 White objects set to overprint 24859 One or more white objects are set to overprint 24860 There are one or more objects with a 100% white fill or outline, for which that fill or outline has been set to overprint. 24861 You can use the Find and Replace Wizard to locate white objects. Alternatively, you can turn off all overprints set for specific objects by turning off the "Preserve document overprint settings" option under the Separations tab. 24862 Banded fountain fills 24863 One or more fountain fills may show banding 24864 The following actions can eliminate banding: 24865 Reduce the length of the fountain fill 24866 Missing DCS files 24867 One or more DCS files are not in their original location 24868 The following DCS files are missing: 24869 Documents using TrueType fonts 24870 This document uses %d TrueType font(s) 24871 This document contains the following TrueType fonts. If you are sending this file to a service bureau, they may prefer that you use Type 1 fonts. 24872 To resolve the situation use a smaller page size in your document's Page Setup or choose a larger media size in Properties (under General tab). 24873 Images rotated to an angle other than 0°, 90°, 180° or 270° 24874 There are one or more rotated images 24875 One or more images in this document have been rotated to an angle other than 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°. 24876 For scanned images, it is preferable to rotate the source material on the scanner, rather than by software. Rotating images in software may reduce quality and/or result in slower printing. 24877 Layout scaled down to fit media 24878 Pages have been scaled down for the layout 24879 In order to fit the number of document pages specified in the current imposition layout onto the current media size, the document pages have been scaled down. 24880 If you do not want the document pages to be scaled down, you can select a larger media size in Printer Properties. Alternatively, you can turn on the "Maintain Document Page Size" option by selecting the Imposition Layout Tool in Print Preview. 24881 Registration color is used 24882 One or more objects use the registration color 24883 Objects that are colored with the registration color will print on all plates. The registration color is intended for use when drawing your own printer's marks, and generally should not be used for any other type of object. 24884 If you want to change these objects to use CMYK black instead, you can locate them using the Find and Replace Wizard. 24885 Convert spot not applied to placed EPS files 24886 Convert spot to CMYK doesn't apply to placed EPS files 24887 You have selected the Convert Spot to CMYK option, indicating that you do not want any spot color plates to be printed. However, the document contains one or more placed EPS files. 24888 If any of these EPS files contain spot colors, you should either turn off the Convert Spot to CMYK option, or recreate these EPS files without using spot colors. 24889 You should be aware that because the contents of EPS files are never altered, any spot colors in these EPS files will not be printed. 24890 Many fonts to be downloaded to a PostScript printer 24891 There are many fonts to be downloaded to the printer 24892 The current document and print settings will cause %d fonts to be downloaded to the printer. This could overrun memory and prevent the page(s) from printing. 24893 You can do one or both of the following to reduce the number of fonts that will be downloaded: 24894 Text with texture fills (PS Level 1 only) 24895 One or more text objects contain texture fills 24896 Text objects that contain texture fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. This is because multiple subpaths are usually necessary in order to render text objects. 24897 Bitmaps in complex clipping paths (PS Level 1 only) 24898 There are complex lenses or powerclips containing bitmaps 24899 There is a clipping path (e.g., a Lens or PowerClip), with multiple subpaths, that contains a bitmap.\n\nBitmaps inside complex clipping paths may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. 24900 These objects should be redesigned so that only one curve, with no subpaths, exists. 24901 Texture fills in complex objects (PS Level 1 only) 24902 There are objects with multiple subpaths containing texture fills 24903 Objects comprised of multiple subpaths that contain texture fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. 24904 These objects should be redesigned so that only one curve, with no subpaths, exists. 24905 Complex clipping regions (PS Level 1 only) 24906 There is a lens or powerclip object that contains many nodes 24907 There is a clipping path (e.g., a Lens or PowerClip) that contains many nodes. Complex clipping paths may cause limitcheck errors on level 1 PostScript devices. 24908 It would be best to redesign such clipping paths so that they use as few nodes and subpaths as possible. 24909 Objects with outline having many nodes (PS Level 1 only) 24910 There are objects with very complex outlines 24911 Outlines with more than 500 nodes may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. 24912 It would be best to redesign such objects so that fewer nodes are necessary. 24913 Objects with outline and fill having many nodes (PS Level 1 only) 24914 There are objects with both complex fills and complex outlines 24915 Objects with more than 300 nodes that contain complex fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. 24916 It would be best to redesign such objects so that they use as few nodes and sub paths as possible. 24917 Output doesn't fit on media 24918 The contents of the following page(s) do not fit within the media selected in printer properties. If you continue, objects may be cropped at the edge of the media. 24919 To resolve the situation, design your document to a smaller size, choose a larger media size in Properties under the General tab, or select the Fit To Page option under the Layout tab. 24920 Printer's marks don't fit within printable area 24921 The selected printer's marks do not fit within the printable area of this device. If you continue, these marks may be partially or entirely cropped near the edge of the media. 24922 To resolve the situation use a smaller page size in your document's Page Setup, choose a larger media size in Properties (under General tab), or manually place your marks in Print Preview using the Marks Placement Tool. 24923 Output doesn't fit within printable area 24924 The contents of the following page(s) do not fit within the printable area of this device. If you continue, objects may be cropped near the edge of the media. 24925 You can use Print Preview to view exactly what will be printed. 24926 Similarly named spot colors 24927 Similarly named spot colors 24928 This document contains 1 or more spot colors that are similarly named. If you are doing color separations, these colors will output on separate plates. 24929 A minimum of 0.5" around the document trim page size is required to completely print the printer's marks. 24932 When designing with spot colors, it is best to work with the palette appropriate for the paper stock you are printing on. Try to avoid using more than one palette whenever possible. 24933 , 24935 If you do not want these objects to be cropped, you may choose a larger media size in Properties under the General tab, select the Fit To Page option under the Layout tab 24936 , use a device that has a smaller non-printable area, or design your document so that it doesn't extend so close to the edge of the page. 24937 Several spot plates will be printed 24938 Printing this document with the current print settings will cause %d spot plates to be printed. This could prove to be very costly. 24939 If you don't want to print these colors as separate spot plates, you can do one of the following:\n1. Select "Convert spot colors to CMYK" under the Separations tab.\n2. Instead of using spot colors in your document, use the equivalent CMYK colors. 24940 Two or more color separations will print at the same screen angle 24941 The current print settings will cause the following color separations to be printed at the same angle. This could result in Moiré patterns or other undesirable effects. 24942 Screening angles can be changed under the Separations tab after turning on "Use advanced settings." If you are unsure of what screen angles to use, contact your service bureau or printer. 24943 %s (%f°) 24944 , 24945 Printer's marks don't fit on media 24946 The selected printer's marks do not fit on the media selected in printer properties. If you continue, these marks may be partially or entirely cropped at the edge of the media. 24947 To resolve the situation use a smaller page size in your document's Page Setup, choose a larger media size in Properties (under General tab), or manually place your marks in Print Preview using the Marks Placement Tool. 24948 There are blank pages in the document 24949 The following page(s) of the document are entirely blank, but are selected to be printed. You may wish to double check that this is intentional. 24950 Many spot plates 24951 Increase the number of fountain steps 24952 Increase the range of color in the fill 24953 Output to a higher resolution 24954 Output using a lower screen frequency 24955 Break apart the fill into two or more objects 24956 Color correction has been enabled for non-PostScript output 24957 Color correction enabled for non-PostScript output 24958 Color output to this device will be calibrated using the currently selected composite color profile. If the driver for this device is also set to do color correction, it may happen twice which will cause inconsistant results. 24959 If you wish to use the printer driver color correction, turn off the "Apply ICC profile" option under the Misc tab. 24960 If you wish to use Corel's color correction, turn off color correction in the printer driver by choosing "Properties" under the General tab. 24961 Device independent PostScript with PostScript Level 2 or PostScript 3 24962 Level 2 PostScript has been selected for device independent PostScript 24963 Level 2 and higher PostScript files are only suitable for certain prepress workflows. If your PostScript file is going to be separated in another application it is strongly recommended that you use Level 1 PostScript. 24964 PostScript 3 has been selected for device independent PostScript 24965 Print Job Information: 24966 Application Information 24967 Filename: 24968 Application: 24969 Version: 24970 Name: 24971 Driver / Device Information 24972 Driver Name: 24973 Driver File: 24974 Resolution: 24975 Job Information 24976 Mode: 24977 Invert: 24978 Mirror: 24979 AutoFlatness: 24980 AutoSpreading: 24981 Fountain Steps: 24982 For Macintosh: 24983 Color Profile: 24984 Screen Frequency: 24985 Bleed Limit: 24986 Crop Marks: 24987 Registration Marks: 24988 File Information: 24989 Densitometer Scale: 24990 Calibration Bar: 24991 Copies: 24992 Separation Information 24993 %s: 24994 No information entered 24995 Flatness: 24996 Maximum Spread: 24997 Text Above: 24998 Font(s) 24999 Font(s) Required 25000 Font(s) Supplied 25001 OPI Linked Images 25002 None 25003 Yes 25004 No 25005 On 25006 Off 25007 Separations 25008 No 25009 Yes 25010 No 25011 Yes 25012 See Separation Information 25013 degrees 25014 lpi 25015 UNKNOWN 25016 Landscape 25017 Portrait 25018 N/A 25019 Do not know where to output the sheet.\n Go into Info Settings and specify a destination\n 25020 Printer Default 25021 PostScript Level: 25022 Bitmap Color Space: 25023 Auto Increase Fountain Steps: 25024 Optimize Fountain fills: 25025 RGB 25026 CMYK 25027 Page Numbers: 25028 Client Information 25029 Client Name: 25030 Company Name: 25031 Mailing Address: 25032 Phone Number: 25033 Fax Number: 25034 Email Address: 25035 Job Name: 25036 Job Comments: 25037 25038 Print to File: 25039 Fixed Spread: 25040 Grayscale 25041 Page Size: 25042 Slide Size: 25043 Thumbnail Size: 25044 Frame Size: 25045 Handout Size: 25046 Page Orientation: 25047 Slide Orientation: 25048 Thumbnail Orientation: 25049 Frame Orientation: 25050 Handout Orientation: 25051 at 25052 : 25053 (Continued) 25054 Imposition Layout: 25055 Preserve Document Overprints: 25056 Rasterize Entire Page: 25057 On - Single File 25058 On - Chapters to Separate Files 25059 On - Pages to Separate Files 25060 On - Plates to Separate Files 25061 PPD Device Name: 25062 Using PPD file 25063 Device independent PostScript file 25064 Using operating system's printer driver 25065 Output Method: 25066 Color Bitmap Downsampling: 25067 Grayscale Bitmap Downsampling: 25068 Monochrome Bitmap Downsampling: 25069 Preview Image Default: 25070 Off At Startup 25071 On At Startup 25072 Bitmap Font Limit (PS): 25073 Bitmap Font Size Threshold (PS): 25074 Overprint Black Threshold (PS): 25075 PostScript 2 Stroke Adjust (PS): 25076 Off 25077 On 25078 Page Orientation Prompt: 25079 Off - Always match orientation 25080 On - Ask if orientations differ 25081 Composite Crop Marks (PS): 25082 Output in Black Only 25083 Output in CMYK 25084 Bitmap Chunk Overlap Pixels: 25085 Default To Fast Mode 25086 Bitmap Output Threshold (K): 25087 Many Fonts (Preflight): 25088 Preview Color Default: 25089 Auto (Simulate Output) 25090 Color 25091 Grayscale 25092 Preview Separations Default: 25093 Auto (Simulate Output) 25094 Composite 25095 Off 25096 On 25097 NT Double Download Workaround (PS): 25098 Off 25099 On 25100 NT Bookman Download Workaround (PS): 25101 Render to Bitmap Resolution: 25102 Automatic 25103 150 dpi 25104 200 dpi 25105 250 dpi 25106 300 dpi 25107 350 dpi 25108 400 dpi 25109 450 dpi 25110 500 dpi 25111 550 dpi 25112 600 dpi 25113 Off - Don't change orientation 25114 Spot Color Separations Warning: 25115 If any spot colors are used 25116 If more than 1 spot colors used 25117 If more than 2 spot colors used 25118 If more than 3 spot colors used 25119 Send Large Bitmaps in Chunks: 25120 No 25121 Yes, if larger than threshold 25122 The print style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings? 25123 You are about to delete the print style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed? 25124 %s Defaults 25125 Custom (Current settings not saved) 25126 Job Information Sheet Settings 25127 Advanced Separations Settings 25128 Layout Settings 25129 Separations Settings 25130 Prepress Settings 25131 Miscellaneous Settings 25132 Proofing and Color Settings 25133 PostScript Settings 25134 Auto Trapping Settings 25135 Center Page 25136 Fit to Page 25137 Maintain Aspect Ratio 25138 Print Tiled Pages 25139 Imposition Layout 25140 N-up Format 25141 Tile Overlap 25142 Print Separations 25143 Print Separations in Color 25144 Convert Spot Colors to CMYK 25145 Print Empty Plates 25146 Print File Information 25147 Position File Info Within Page 25148 Print Crop Marks 25149 Exterior Crop Marks Only 25150 Print Registration Marks 25151 Color Calibration Bar 25152 Densitometer Scales 25153 Invert 25154 Mirror 25155 Print Job Information Sheet 25156 Always Overprint Black 25157 Auto Spreading 25158 Auto Spread Maximum 25159 Auto Spread Text 25160 Fountain Steps 25161 Width Scale Factor 25162 Height Scale Factor 25163 Job Info Sheet Contents 25164 Job Info Sheet Location 25165 Bleed Amount 25166 Print Vectors 25167 Print Bitmaps 25168 Print Text 25169 Print All Text in Black 25170 All Colors Black 25171 Fit Marks and Layout to Page 25172 Maximum Points per Curve 25173 Curve Flatness 25174 Auto Increase Flatness 25176 Download Type 1 Fonts 25177 Convert True Type to Type 1 25178 PostScript Level 25179 Auto Increase Fountain Steps 25180 Optimize Fountain Fills 25182 Maintain OPI Links 25183 Print Page Numbers 25184 Screening 25185 Halftone Type 25186 Hexachrome Plates 25187 Apply Settings to All Pages 25188 Screen Frequency 25189 High Solid Ink Density 25190 Densitometer Densities 25191 Job Name / Slug Line 25192 Bounding Box 25193 Use JPEG Compression 25194 JPEG Quality Factor 25197 Resolve External Bitmaps 25198 Limit Bleed 25199 Fixed Auto Spreading 25200 Image Position Preset 25201 All Colors Grayscale 25202 Print Pictures & Graphics 25203 Print Hidden Pictures 25204 Use Advanced Settings 25205 Screening Settings 25206 Resolution 25207 Basic Screen 25208 Marks Alignment Rectangle 25209 Auto-Position Marks Rectangle 25210 Application Information 25211 Driver Information 25212 Font Information 25213 Links Information 25214 Job Information 25215 Separations Information 25216 Send to Text File 25217 Sent to Printer 25218 Text File Name 25219 Print File Name 25220 Print Driver Name 25221 Print Device Name 25222 Apply Default To All Pages 25223 Include Hyperlinks 25224 Include Notes 25225 Include Outlines 25226 On Start Display 25227 Output Color Bitmaps As 25228 Preserve Document Overprints 25229 Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard 25230 %s is currently gathering linked image files used by your document. 25231 %s is currently assembling information about your document. 25232 %s is currently creating a %s file. 25233 The gathering of files for your service bureau was not completed. 25234 \n\nIf you wish to change any of your previous settings or try again, click Back. Click Cancel if you wish to exit the Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard. 25235 UserName 25236 CompanyName 25237 MailingAddress 25238 PhoneNumber 25239 FaxNumber 25240 EmailAddress 25241 PrepareForServiceBureauWizard 25242 Corel Service Bureau Profiles (*.csp) 25243 Browse Service Bureau Profiles 25244 Choose Location 25245 Folder (*.*) 25246 The location you specified could not be found or created.\n\nClick back to select another location. 25247 (%s) 25248 To change color calibration to use this profile, choose 'Set Profiles' and change the %s profile. When you are finished, click Next to continue. 25249 composite 25250 separations 25251 The gathering of files for your service bureau was not completed. The following files were not created: 25252 \n 25253 \n 25254 %s x %s %s 25255 (%s) 25256 The service bureau has requested the use of color calibration.\n\nYou do not have color management installed with %s. You must exit %s to install the color management component. Please save your work before exiting.\n\nPress cancel to exit this wizard and then run Setup from %s CD #1. Choose the Custom option and select Color Management in the Graphics Utilities section. 25257 The service bureau requests that the following color profile be used as the %s printer profile: 25258 Unable to find the file:\n\n %s\n\nDo you wish to continue gathering files, omitting this file? 25259 The folder where files are being gathered to already contains a file named:\n\n %s\n\nDo you wish to replace this file? 25260 You have cancelled the gathering of files for your service bureau. 25261 Font Name 25262 Filename 25263 Fonts.TXT 25264 Below is a list of the fonts used by %s.\n\nFont Name Path\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n 25265 %-35.35s %s\n 25266 , 25267 Links.TXT 25268 Below is a list of externally linked images used by %s.\n\n 25269 %s\n 25270 Your document's page size is too large for the largest physical page size supported by this service bureau. The document page size selected in page setup must be no larger than %s. \n\nClick Cancel if you wish to return to your document to adjust its page size, or click Back to select a different profile. 25271 The selected service bureau profile is not intended for use with this version of %s. Using this profile may not produce the results requested by the service bureau.\n\nDo you wish to proceed using this profile? 25272 Download profile from Internet... 25273 This service bureau profile was created for %s, and cannot be used with %s.\n\nClick Back to select a different profile, or click Cancel to exit the Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard. 25274 Any 25275 The service bureau has requested that you set the printer page size to %s. 25276 Your document page size set in page setup is %s. 25277 This is the minimum printer page size that may be used to print your document. 25278 To allow for any printer's marks outside this area, the minimum printer page size that may be used to print your document is %s. 25279 JobInfo.TXT 25280 %s is currently copying fonts used by your document. 25281 The service bureau has requested that the PostScript file conform to the DSC standard. To ensure DSC compliance, drag your PostScript file onto the Corel DSC Utility. 25282 25283 The Wizard could not find the file(s) corresponding to the following font(s):%s\n\nChoose Next to continue without them, or Cancel to interrupt the file copy. 25284 File not found 25285 %s is currently creating a .PDF file 25286 Color profiles (*.icm) 25287 PostScript printer description files (*.ppd) 25288 The Service Bureau has specified that the following color profile should be used. However, this file was not found in the same location as the .CSP file from your Service Bureau.\nClick on the Browse button to locate this file. 25289 The Service Bureau has specified that the following .PPD file should be used. However, this file was not found in the same location as the .CSP file from your Service Bureau.\nClick on the Browse button to locate this file. 25290 (None selected) 25291 Profiles 25292 Using the PPD %s, the smallest page size required to print your document is %s. 25293 The maximum page size supported by the service bureau is %s. 25294 Click cancel to go back to your document and choose a smaller page size. 25295 The PPD file %s does not support the fixed page size suggested by the service bureau (%s). Please contact your service bureau for further assistance. 25296 The PPD file %s does not support custom page sizes, and your document page is too large to fit in any of the fixed page sizes available. 25297 The maximum page size supported by this PPD is %s. 25298 In order to fit on a custom page created using the PPD file %s either the width or the height of your document page should be less than %s. 25299 Printer paper orientation does not match one or more document pages.\n\nAdjust printer automatically? 25300 %s is currently printing your document to a .PRN file. 25301 Your document's page size is too large for the current physical page size. The document page size selected in page setup must be small enough to fit within the physical page selected in printer properties, while still leaving a %s %s margin on all sides.\n\nClick Cancel if you wish to return to your document to adjust its page size, or click Back to change the page size in printer properties. 25302 The largest printer page size supported by the service bureau is %s.\n\nIn Printer Properties, choose a printer page size that is within this range. 25303 Neutral Density 25304 Order 25305 Type 25306 Neutral Density 25307 Transparent 25308 Opaque 25309 Opaque Ignore 25310 Neutral Density 25311 Spread 25312 Choke 25313 Centerline 25315 This file is an original manufacturer's PPD file.\nYou cannot replace this file. Please select a new file name. 25316 This file is currently being used by this application.\nYou cannot replace this file. Please select a new file name. 25317 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it? 25318 Change '%s' Setting 25319 Your current selection is conflicting with the following item:\n\nItem: %s\nSelection: %s\n\nDo you want to ignore the conflict? 25320 In-RIP Separations: 25321 Trap Width: 25322 Black Trap Width: 25323 Step Limit: 25324 Black Color Limit: 25325 Black Density Limit: 25326 Sliding Trap Limit: 25327 Color Scaling: 25328 Image Trap Placement: 25329 Trap Objects to Images: 25330 Internal Image Trapping: 25331 Trap Black and White Images: 25332 Neutral Density 25333 Type 25334 In-RIP Separations 25335 In-RIP Trapping 25336 Use In-RIP Trapping 25337 Ink Settings 25338 Trap Width 25339 Black Trap Width 25340 Color Scaling 25341 Step Limit 25342 Black Color Limit 25343 Black Density Limit 25344 Sliding Trap Limit 25345 Image Trap Placement 25346 Trap Objects to Images 25347 Internal Image Trapping 25348 Trap BW Images 25349 In-RIP Trapping Information 25350 In-RIP Trapping Information 25351 points 25352 The location specified already contains file(s) or directories. If you do not want to send these existing file(s) or directories to the service bureau, it is suggested that another location be selected for the service bureau files.\n 25353 \nClick Back to specify a different location, or Next to use the current location. 25354 Marks to objects 25355 Tiling marks 25356 Current printer 25357 Print To File 25358 Page Range 25359 Other Page Range 25360 Even & Odd Page Settings 25361 Number Of Copies 25362 General Settings 25363 Collate 25364 Rasterize Entire page 25365 Rasterize Page Resolution 25366 Color Settings 25367 Printing 25368 Image resolution too low 25369 Image resolution below %d DPI 25370 The current document contains one or more images below %d DPI, and may not be suitable for certain processes. 25371 Output will contain RGB Bitmaps 25372 The resulting output will contain RGB Bitmaps 25373 When this file is printed, it will contain RGB bitmaps. This may not be suitable for PostScript printers. 25374 Output will contain CMYK Bitmaps 25375 The resulting output will contain CMYK Bitmaps 25376 When this file is printed, it will contain CMYK bitmaps. This may not be suitable for non-PostScript printers. 25377 Output will contain RGB vector objects 25378 The resulting output will contain RGB vector objects 25379 When this file is printed, it will contain RGB vector objects. This may not be suitable for PostScript printers. 25380 Output will contain CMYK vector objects 25381 The resulting output will contain CMYK vector objects 25382 When this file is printed, it will contain CMYK vector objects. This may not be suitable for non-PostScript printers. 25383 Small fonts 25384 Font size below %d pts in document. 25385 This document contains one or more fonts smaller than %d pts. This font may be unreadable when reproduced. 25386 Edit Basic Settings 25387 Edit Page Placements 25388 Edit Gutters & Finishing 25389 Edit Margins 25390 Perfect Binding 25391 Saddle Stitch 25392 Collate & Cut 25393 Custom Binding 25394 Page 25395 Frame 25396 Pages 25397 Frames 25398 Document 25399 Movie 25400 Documents 25401 Movies 25402 x 25403 RGB color profile selected for PostScript output 25404 An RGB color profile has been selected for PostScript output 25405 All PostScript output is done in the CMYK color space. Using an RGB profile will cause insconsistent results. 25406 Select a valid CMYK profile for your device. 25407 Layout 25408 Normal 25409 Main 25410 File 25411 View 25412 Settings 25413 Help 25414 Preview Color 25415 Preview Separations 25416 Print Preview Shortcut Keys 25417 Shortcut Keys 25418 Duplexing Instruction Sheet 25419 Image Position (X Value) 25420 Image Position (Y Value) 25421 Small Fonts (Preflight): 25422 Image Resolution Too Low (Preflight): 25423 Record %d 25424 No Non-PostScript Printers 25425 WebLinks.txt 25426 Corel on the Web 25427 Preview 25428 Normal Mode 25429 Edit Layout Mode 25430 If the DCS links are not resolved the low resolution preview will be used instead. In order to select the missing files, use the Link Manager Docker. 25431 One or more printers are currently unavailable.\n\nThe printers and/or servers may be offline. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to reinstall the printers. 25432 Even Pages 25433 Odd Pages 25511 Corel Manual Double-Sided Printing Wizard 25512 Welcome to the Corel Manual Double-Sided Printing Wizard. 25513 Click "Next", to begin. 25514 Do you want to enable or disable manual double-sided printing? 25515 Enable 25516 Disable 25517 Select the printer for which you want to enable manual duplex printing : 25518 This printer is already set up. Reconfigure? 25519 This printer is not yet configured for manual duplexing. 25520 Manual double-sided printing will be disabled for this printer : 25521 Click "Finish" 25522 When you click "Next", a test page will be printed on the printer you have selected. 25523 Leave it on the output tray and follow the instructions on the screen. 25524 Reinsert the test page into your printer FACE UP, the arrow pointing in the direction of the paper feed. Use the smaller arrow if your printer feeds paper along the edge. 25525 Look at your printout. Is the printed side face up? 25526 No, it is face down. 25527 Yes, it is face up. 25528 Reinsert the test page with the printed side face up, and the arrow pointing in the direction that the paper will feed into the printer. 25529 Click "Next", to continue. 25530 Remove the test page from the printer. Does it have printing on both sides? 25531 Yes, it has printing on both sides. 25532 No, it has printing on one side only. 25533 What number is in the square box in the corner of the test page? ( See image A ) 25534 What number is on the reverse side of the test page, in the same corner as the square box? ( See image B )\n\nIf you're unsure, fold the corner of the test page that has the square box. Turn the test page over. What number is in the folded corner? 25535 The number 25536 The wizard now has all the information it needs to help you print your double-sided projects correctly. 25537 Click "Finish", to continue. 25538 Select the printer for which you want to disable manual duplex printing : 25539 No printer is available or installed on this system. 25540 The printer name is invalid.\n\nWizard execution aborted. 25541 Corel - Test page #1 25542 Corel - Test page #2 25544 You must have write privilege to perform this operation. 56069 LP=Opens the search dialog box, which searchs for help on a specific topicCT=&Help Topics... 56071 LP=Displays copyright and program informationCT=About 56072 LP=Controls where the contents of one or more document pages will be placed on each sheet of paperCT=&Layout... 56073 LP=Controls prepress settings, including printer's marksCT=P&repress... 56074 LP=Controls color separation settingsCT=&Separations... 56075 LP=Controls miscellaneous printing options, such as proofing options and print qualityCT=Miscellaneous &Options... 56076 LP=Controls PostScript-specific settingsCT=&PostScript Settings... 56077 LP=Allows a job information sheet to be created to accompany this print jobCT=&Job Information Sheet 56078 LP=Sets up double-sided printing on a single-sided printerCT=&Duplexing Setup Wizard... 56079 LP=Allows basic print settings to be set, such as page range and printerCT=G&eneral... 56080 LP=Shows or hides the main Print Preview toolbarCT=Standard Toolbar 56081 LP=Shows current view in full screen preview modeCT=F&ull Screen 56082 LP=Shows the Zoom dialog box to change the current magnification factorCT=&Zoom... 56083 LP=Jumps to a specific location in the documentCT=&Go To... 56084 LP=Shows or hides the status barCT=Status &Bar 56085 LP=Shows or hides the rulersCT=&Rulers 56086 LP=Shows or hides a dotted box denoting the edge of the printable area of the current printerCT=Printable &Area 56087 LP=Shows or hides the Print Preview property barCT=Property Bar 56088 LP=Shows a composite image of all colors on each sheet, regardless of whether or not color separations are onCT=C&omposite 56089 LP=Shows each color separation that will be printed for each sheetCT=&Separations 56090 LP=Shows Print Preview in color, regardless of how the page will be printedCT=&Color 56091 LP=Shows Print Preview in grayscale, regardless of how the page will be printedCT=&Grayscale 56092 LP=Causes print preview to be shown in color when the page will be printed in colorCT=&Auto (Simulate Output) 56093 LP=Shows color separations in print preview when color separations will be printedCT=&Auto (Simulate Output) 56094 LP=Ends Print Preview modeCT=&Close Print Preview 56095 LP=Prints just the page(s) currently selected in Print PreviewCT=Print &This Sheet Now 56096 LP=Prints all pages in the current page rangeCT=&Print 56097 LP=Updates the current print style with the current print settingsCT=&Save Print Style 56098 LP=Saves the current print settings as a new print styleCT=Save Print Style &As... 56099 LP=Deletes the currently selected print styleCT=&Delete Print Style 56100 LP=Shows or hides the rectangle to which printer's marks are alignedCT=Show Marks Box 56101 LP=Shows or hides the contents of document pagesCT=Show &Image 56102 LP=Controls print settings specific to this Corel application 56103 LP=CT=Web Links 56104 LP=Shows or hides the toolboxCT=Toolbox 56105 LP=Invokes the Print Options dialog boxCT=Print Options 56106 LP=Controls non-print-job-specific printing preferencesCT=Printing Pre&ferences... 56107 LP=Displays any issues that Preflight has identified with your print jobCT=Prefl&ight... 56110 LP=Allows document page contents and other print objects to be selected and manipulatedCT=Pick Tool 56111 LP=Allows the current n-up format to be changedCT=N-up Format Tool 56112 LP=Allows the current signature layout to be changedCT=Signature Layout Tool 56113 LP=Changes which portion of the page is shown in Print PreviewCT=Zoom Tool 56114 LP=Causes file information text to print at the edge of the pageCT=File Information Text 56115 LP=Causes page numbers to be printed at the bottom of each pageCT=Page Numbers 56116 LP=Causes crop and fold marks to be printed outside of each pageCT=Crop/Fold Marks 56117 LP=Causes registration marks to be printedCT=Registration Marks 56118 LP=Causes a color calibration bar to be printedCT=Color Calibration Bar 56119 LP=Causes a densitometer scale to be printed for each colorCT=Densitometer Scales 56120 LP=Inverts all colorsCT=Invert 56121 LP=Causes the sheet to be mirrored horizontallyCT=Mirror 56122 LP=Loads settings from a previously saved print styleCT=Print Style 56123 LP=Changes the current zoom settingCT=Zoom 56124 LP=Increases the current zoom factor by 100%CT=Zoom In 56125 LP=Returns to the previous zoom settingCT=Zoom Out 56126 LP=Sets the zoom factor to 100%CT=Zoom to 100% 56127 LP=Zooms on the currently selected object(s)CT=Zoom to Selection 56128 LP=Zooms to fit all objects within the Print Preview windowCT=Zoom to Fit 56129 LP=Zooms to fit the entire page within the Print Preview windowCT=Zoom to Page 56130 LP=Zooms to fit the entire width of the page within the Print Preview windowCT=Zoom to Width 56131 LP=Zooms to fit the entire height of the page within the Prnt Preview windowCT=Zoom to Height 56132 LP=Sets the units to use when displaying or editing measurements in Print PreviewCT=Units 56133 LP=Selects the imposition layout to use and/or editCT=Current Imposition Layout 56134 LP=Saves the current imposition layoutCT=Save Layout 56135 LP=Deletes the currently selectetd imposition layoutCT=Delete Layout 56136 LP=Sets whether or not this signature layout is double sidedCT=Single/Double Sided 56137 LP=Sets binding method to perfect bindingCT=Perfect Binding 56138 LP=Sets binding method to saddleCT=Saddle Binding 56139 LP=Sets binding method to collate & cutCT=Collate and Cut Binding 56140 LP=Allows the page to be rotated on the layoutCT=Page Rotation 56141 LP=Sets the current n-up format to the selected styleCT=N-up Format 56142 LP=Saves the current n-up formatCT=Save N-up Format 56143 LP=Deletes the currently selected n-up formatCT=Delete N-up Format 56144 LP=Duplicates the same page at each location on the sheet.CT=Cloned Auto-ordering 56145 LP=Prevents document pages from being scaled to fit within the paper sizeCT=Maintain Document Page Size 56146 LP=Causes the signatures to fill the entire available space between the margins.CT=Auto Gutter Spacing 56147 LP=Causes the right/bottom margins to be the same as the left/top marginsCT=Equal Margins 56148 LP=Causes the margin sizes to be automatically selected based on the page sizesCT=Auto Margins 56149 LP=Adjusts the number of pages across and down in each signatureCT=Pages Across/Down 56150 LP=Adjusts the sequence in which pages are placed within a single signatureCT=Page Sequence Number 56151 LP=Adjusts the number of rows and columns of pages in this templateCT=Pages Across/Down 56152 LP=Adjusts the gutter space between each signature in this n-up formatCT=Gutter Spacing 56153 LP=Adjusts the distance from the top left corner of the paper to the first signature in this n-up layoutCT=Top/Left Margins 56154 LP=Adjusts the distance between the bottom right corner of the paper to the last signature in this n-up layoutCT=Bottom/Right Margins 56155 LP=Adjusts the placement of printer's marksCT=Marks Placement Tool 56156 LP=Causes each page to be separated into its component colorsCT=Enable Color Separations 56157 LP=Adjusts the rectangle which printer's marks are aligned toCT=Marks Alignment Rectangle 56158 LP=Adjusts the rectangle which printer's marks are aligned toCT=Marks Alignment Rectangle 56159 LP=Sets image position within page to apply to all document pagesCT=Image Position Within Page 56160 LP=Adjusts the position of the selected item(s)CT=Top Left Corner Position 56161 LP=Adjusts the size of the selected item(s)CT=Width and Height 56162 LP=Adjusts the scale factor applied to the selected item(s)CT=Scale Factor 56163 LP=Causes the relative width and height of the selected item(s) to remain unchangedCT=Maintain Aspect Ratio 56164 LP=Adjusts the gutter space between each page in this signature layoutCT=Gutter Spacing 56165 LP=Automatically sets the marks alignment rectangle to the edges of the current layoutCT=Auto-Position Marks Rectangle 56166 LP=Arranges pages in sequence from left-to-right, top-to-bottomCT=Sequential Auto-ordering 56167 LP=Turns off page order extrapolation, for custom bindingCT=Custom Binding 56168 LP=Adjusts the number of signatures when custom binding is selectedCT=Number of Signatures 56169 LP=Sets the number of document pages in each group of signaturesCT=Pages Per Group 56170 LP=Adjusts the width/height of the selected gutterCT=Gutter Size 56171 LP=Arranges pages in either cloned or sequential order, depending on whether the document has one or multiple pagesCT=Intelligent Auto-ordering 56172 LP=Sets binding method to nested saddleCT=Nested Saddle Binding 56173 LP=Sets number of pages in layout and chooses binding methodCT=Edit Basic Settings 56174 LP=Controls which page will print at which location, and whether each page is rotatedCT=Edit Page Placements 56175 LP=Controls the width of gutters, and set the location of cuts and foldsCT=Edit Gutters and Finishing 56176 LP=Adjusts the size of margins at each edge of the signatureCT=Edit Margins 56177 LP=Causes PostScript fills to be shown as they will printCT=Render PostScript &Fills 56178 LP=Displays information about the currently selected printer 56179 LP=Displays the current color separation settings 56180 LP=Displays the current setting for tiled page printer 56181 LP=Displays the current location of the mouse, based on the position of the rulers 56182 LP=Identifies the current selection 56183 LP=Displays the current page range 56184 LP=Sets all gutters to be the same sizeCT=Equal Gutters 56185 LP=Allows printer settings to be changesCT=Printer 56186 LP=Indicates that this gutter is the location of a cutCT=Cut Location 56187 LP=Changes the current settings for negative and emulsion side downCT=Film Setting 56188 LP=Indicates that this gutter is the location of a foldCT=Fold Location 56189 LP=Prints your image across multiple page(s)CT=Print Tiled Pages 56190 LP=Chooses which toolbars are active and adjusts their appearanceCT=&ToolBars... 56191 LP=Causes each tiled page to be shown when the cursor is over itCT=S&how Current Tile 56192 LP=Adjusts the size of your image to fit a particular number of tiled pagesCT=Tiles Across/Down 56193 LP=Toggles betwen preview of entire document and layout templateCT=Template/Document Preview 56194 LP=Allows the imposition layout to be editedCT=Imposition Layout Tool 56197 LP=Finishes editing the current imposition layoutCT=Done Editing Layout 56198 LP=CT=What to Edit 56199 LP=CT=Binding Mode 56200 LP=CT=&File 56201 LP=CT=&View 56202 LP=CT=&Settings 56203 LP=CT=&Help 56204 LP=CT=Preview &Color 56205 LP=CT=Preview &Separations 56206 LP=CT=&Corel on the Web