Before you use this plugin, you need to be sure, that you've installed the latest version of the Microsoft DirectX End User Runtime. Since the plugin version 2.0.0, the End User Runtime of June 2010 is needed. Installation instructions: If you were using an older version of the plugin, be sure to remove all old files of the plugin from your Ts3 Plugins Directory. The files to be removed are: dx_overlay_plugin.dll, dx_overlay_plugin_x64.dll, DXHook.dll, DXHook_x64.dll and InstallHook.exe. Also be sure (yeah, I won't get too tired to repeat it again and again ;-) to update your DirectX End User Runtime to the latest version. Finally, copy the two DLL files of this archive's plugins folder into the TS3 Plugin directory. Also copy the subdirectory 'ts3overlay' and all its content into the TS3 plugins folder.