Usage: clientnotifyregister schandlerid= event= This command allows you to listen to events that the client encounters. Events are things like people starting or stopping to talk, people joining or leaving, new channels being created and many more. It registers for client notifications for the specified serverConnectionHandlerID. If the serverConnectionHandlerID is set to zero it applies to all server connection handlers. Possible event values are listed below, additionally the special string "any" can be used to subscribe to all events. Possible values for event: notifytalkstatuschange notifymessage notifymessagelist notifycomplainlist notifybanlist notifyclientmoved notifyclientleftview notifycliententerview notifyclientpoke notifyclientchatclosed notifyclientchatcomposing notifyclientupdated notifyclientids notifyclientdbidfromuid notifyclientnamefromuid notifyclientnamefromdbid notifyclientuidfromclid notifyconnectioninfo notifychannelcreated notifychanneledited notifychanneldeleted notifychannelmoved notifyserveredited notifyserverupdated channellist channellistfinished notifytextmessage notifycurrentserverconnectionchanged notifyconnectstatuschange Example: clientnotifyregister schandlerid=0 event=any error id=0 msg=ok