100 1068 102 sürücünü seç 103 Axtar 105 Nizamlamalar... 106 &Recover... 107 YenilYnmYni yoxla... 108 Görünü_ tipi 109 Gizli sistem qovluqlar1ndan tap1lan fayllar1 göstYr 110 S1f1r baytl1q fayllar1 göstYr 111 &Restore folder structure 113 trafl1 mYlumat üçün ziyarYt edin: 114 Recover &Highlighted... 115 &Recover Checked... 116 &Check Highlighted 117 &Uncheck Highlighted 118 Qovluun ba_l11 120 www.piriform.com/recuva Web sYhifYsini ziyarYt etmYk üçün kliklY 121 Ölçüsü: %1 - KeyfiyyYti: %2 122 Nizamlamalar 124 Haqq1nda 125 Siyah1 126 Budaql1 görünü_ 129 MYnbY 130 HYcm 131 Son dYyi_iklik 132 State 133 ^Yrh 134 Fayl ad1 137 Cari proqress: %1%, %2 files found 138 Fayl ad1 vY ya mYnbY 139 MükYmmYl 140 BYrbad 141 Olduqca bYrbad 142 BYrpaolunmaz 144 No overwritten clusters detected. 145 Axtar1l1r... 146 Do you want to restore to the same drive? (This can reduce the chance of a successful recovery.) 147 DiqqYt 148 NTFS, %1. klaster ölçüsü: %2. file record size: %3. 149 %1, %2. klaster ölçüsü: %3. 150 %3 san. YrzindY %1 fayl tap1ld1 (%2 fayl rYdd edildi). 151 NamYlum 152 Cari proqress: %1%, %2 fayl bYrpa edildi 154 Fayllar1n bYrpas1 155 Recuva yenilYnmYlYrini onlayn yoxlamaq üçün kliklYyin 156 mYliyyat tamamland1 157 mYliyyat durduruldu 158 %2 san. YrzindY %1 fayl bYrpa edildi. 159 BYrpa üçün yeri seçin 160 This application requires Administrator permissions to run properly, you may continue to use the application but scanning drives will be prohibited. Please contact your network administrator to get Administrator rights added to your account. 161 Unable to open drive 162 Unable to read boot sector 163 Unable to determine file system type 164 Invalid data run detected 165 Invalid MFT record detected 166 Unable to read MFT 167 Invalid file record detected 168 0stifadYçi tYrYfindYn durduruldu 169 Error reading file allocation table 170 mYliyyat1n oxunmas1 al1nmad1 171 Unable to recover encrypted file. 172 Unable to recover a file of zero size. 173 Invalid clusters range 174 Cannot erase resident, completely sparse or zero-byte file 176 File is resident in the MFT 177 Cannot erase completely sparse file data (nothing to erase) 178 Cannot erase zero byte file data (nothing to erase) 179 Cannot perform secure overwriting in Windows 2000 with cluster size greater than 4096 180 Unable to securely overwrite non-deleted file 181 Unable to overwrite special file type 182 The device is not ready 201 %1 bayt 202 %1KB 203 %1MB 204 %1QB 210 0mtina 211 Dil 212 Proses gedir... 213 OK 214 The following files were not recovered (%1 total): 215 SYbYb 216 DYrindYn axtar1_1 aktivlY_dir 217 No files were found. Would you like to scan again with Deep Scan enabled? Note this can take over an hour on a large drive. 218 Fayl tap1lmad1 220 Ön bax1_ 221 MYlumat 222 Ba_l1q 223 Yarad1lma vaxt1 224 Son dYyi_iklik tarixi 225 Son giri_ tarixi 226 %1 cluster(s) allocated at offset %2 228 No preview available 229 Fayl seçilmYmi_dir 230 This file is overwritten with "%1" 231 %1 file cluster(s) overwritten 240 NamYlum qovluq 241 Yeni Recuva (%1) endirilmY üçün mövcuddur.\n\nYeni versiyan1 endirmYk üçün veb-sayta keçmYk istYyirsinizmi? 242 Yeni versiya mövcuddur 243 Recuva yeniliklYrini avtomatik yoxla 244 Piriformun veb-sayt1 Piriform.com-a keçmYk üçün kliklYyin 245 Overwrite files 246 Cari proqress: %1%, %2 fayl üzYrinY yaz1ld1 247 %2 san. YrzindY %1 fayl yaz1ld1 248 The following files were not overwritten (%1 total): 251 Secure Overwrite Highlighted 252 Secure Overwrite Checked 254 Overwritten 255 Not overwritten 256 VYziyyYti 260 Bütün parametrlYri &INI fayl1nda saxla 262 SadY üzYrinY-yazma (1 keçid) 263 DOD 5220.22-M (3 keçid) 264 NSA (7 keçid) 265 Qutmann (35 keçid) 270 TYhlükYsiz üzYrinY-yazma 271 Siz bu %1 fayl1n üzYrinY yazmaq istYyirsinizmi? BYli - bütün fayllara aiddir. 273 Secure &overwriting 280 Geni_lYndirilmi_ 281 Show &securely overwritten files 282 Bütün sürücülYr 283 ^YkillYr 284 Musiqi 285 SYnYdlYr 286 Video 290 Stage %1 of %2 291 SürücüdY silinmi_ faylar axtar1l1r 292 Analyzing file contents 294 Current progress %1%, analyzing %2 of %3 files 295 Cari proqress: %1% 296 %2 san. YrzindY %1 fayl tap1ld1. 297 Scanning %1 of %2 drives 298 No files were found, would you like to start the wizard again? 299 &Start 300 Recuva Wizard 301 Welcome to the Recuva Wizard 302 This wizard will help you recover your deleted files. Just answer a few simple questions and Recuva does the rest. 303 If you don't want to use this wizard, simply press Cancel and you will have access to the advanced features of Recuva. 304 &Do not show this Wizard on startup. 305 Fayl tipi 306 What sort of files are you trying to recover? 307 ^YkillYr 308 Show only files of common image formats, such as digital camera photos. 309 Musiqi 310 Show only files of common audio formats, like MP3 player files. 311 SYnYdlYr 312 Show only files of common office document formats, such as Word and Excel files. 313 Video 314 Show only video files, like digital camera recordings. 315 DigYr 316 Bütün fayllar1 göstYr. 317 Fayl mövqeyi 318 Fayllar harada idi? 319 MYnim media kart1m vY ya iPodumda 320 Search any removable drives (except CDs and floppies) for deleted files. 321 MYnim SYnYdlYrimdY 322 Search user documents folders. 323 Zibil qutusunda 324 Search for files deleted from the Recycle Bin. 325 GöstYrilYn yerdY 326 B&YlYdçi... 327 min deyilYm 328 Kompüterin hYr yerindY axtar. 329 TY_YkkürlYr, Recuva fayllar1n1z1 axtarmaa haz1rd1r. 330 After the search is complete you will see a list of the files Recuva has found. Simply check the files you would like to recover and click the Recover button. 331 Axtar1_a ba_lamaq üçün Start düymYsini kliklYyin. 332 No media cards were detected, please insert a card and press Retry. 333 Select location 334 Select the files you want to Recover by ticking the boxes and then pressing Recover.\nFor the best results, restore the files to a different drive. 335 Switch to advanced mode 336 Thumbnail görüntülYri 337 Show &Wizard at startup 338 Check this box if previous scans have failed to find your files. Note that this may take over an hour on a large drive. 340 DYrin axtar1_ (axtar1_1n vaxt1n1 art1r1r) 341 Compressed 342 Scan for non-deleted files (for recovery from damaged or reformatted disks) 350 Information about Recuva can be found at 351 Information about other Piriform products can be found at 355 Ümumi 356 Actions 357 0nterfeys 358 Scanning 359 Recovering 360 Versiya 361 Run Wizard 362 Failed to scan the following drives: 363 SilinmYyib 364 < Geri 365 0rYli > 370 Qalan vaxt: %1 371 %1 san. 372 %1 san. 373 %1 dYq. 374 %1 dYq. 375 %1 saat 376 %1 saat 377 %1 gün 378 %1 gün 379 Qal1q vaxt hesablan1r... 381 E-maillYr 382 E-maillYr 383 Show only emails from Thunderbird, Outlook Express and Windows Mail. 384 AzYrbaycan dilinY tYrcümY Mobiland.AZ Team-Y mYxsusdur. 385 Tamamlanmam1_ nYticYlYr. 386 Compressed 387 Show only compressed files. 388 TYsviri Clipboarda köçür