VirtualDub help - Batch operation: Distributed mode


Distributed mode allows you to farm out jobs to multiple instances of VirtualDub, either on the same machine or on a local network. This permits greater throughput and also better flexibility in running jobs, as the instance(s) that create the jobs need not be the same ones that run them. On a single machine, this allows setting up one job interactively while other jobs are proceeding in the background, or taking advantage of multiple CPU cores than a single instance of VirtualDub can use; on multiple machines, this allows automation of parallel video processing on a farm of machines.

Setting up distributed mode

In order to run VirtualDub's batch system in distributed mode, all instances of VirtualDub need read/write access to the location that holds the VirtualDub job file. This file is shared and modified by all running copies of VirtualDub. If multiple computers are participating, the file needs to be located on a file share with read/write access. The file can be named anything and can be different paths on different machines; each instance is pointed to the file by either the File > Use shared job list... command in the Job Control dialog.

Security warning  Anyone with write access to the job file can add jobs to it and cause any attached instances of VirtualDub to create or overwrite arbitrary files with arbitrary data. This could potentially lead to files being damaged or the machine being compromised if unwanted intruders are allowed to tamper with the job queue. When the job file is exposed on a file share, make sure it is secured appropriately so that only computers and users under your control have access to the file. Running distributed mode with the job file exposed on the Internet is not recommended.

The instances also need access to the source and output file paths. For instance, if a job specifies an input of c:\sources\foo.avi and an output of d:\outputs\bar.avi, both paths need to be valid on all machines. This can obviously pose problems when paths are poorly chosen, so it is best to use a unified path. This can be done by mounting a network path with the same driver or mount point on all machines, or by using UNC paths (\\server\share). Local remapping can also be done by the subst command.

If third party codecs and filters are involved, which they invariably are, you need to ensure that those are present on all instances of VirtualDub. Video filters and input driver plugins, in particular, should be auto-loaded via the plugin directories as the job script will not load them manually. Codecs that use auxiliary files like stats files need to be configured such that the temporary files land in valid locations on all machines, as well.

Running jobs from the distributed queue

Once all computers are set up to use the distributed queue, any changes to the job queue on one machine will be reflected to the rest. You can start the job queue manually on each instance via the Run button as usual, but it is better to check the Autostart checkbox instead, which causes VirtualDub to automatically run any job that appears in the queue in the Waiting state. Jobs are assigned to instances only when they become idle, so load balancing occurs automatically — an instance will only hold onto one job at a time, the one it is currently working on.

When jobs are started or completed by other machines, they will appear in the job queue with the name of the computer and the process ID (PID) of the instance of VirtualDub. This tag persists even if the job fails. If a particular instance is malfunctioning and not completing jobs properly, the computer name and PID can be used to identify the bad instance and remove it from the pool.

The job queue can be modified from one instance while others are active, such as adding, removing, postponing, or reordering jobs. These changes will automatically be reflected and merged on other machines, so you can even reorder jobs that are in progress. You cannot directly delete a job that is in progress, but you can remotely request an abort by selecting the job entry and clicking Abort, or by double-clicking on it. This will change the job status to Aborting, and assuming that the instance is still running, i.e. it hasn't crashed or hung, it will abort as soon as the change propagates and is noticed.

While a job is in progress, no other instances of VirtualDub will attempt to run it. If the instance that was handling that job fails, the job may be stuck in the queue in either In Progress or Aborting status. If this occurs, make sure that the instance is killed on the remote machine first, and then Abort the job again. This will take two tries if it is In Progress, one to change it to Aborting, and another to reset it to Waiting. Note that VirtualDub will issue a warning before forcing a job from Aborting state to Waiting, because if another instance is actually still running that job, resetting it may cause two instances to run the same job, leading to problems.

Command-line automation

You can automatically launch VirtualDub in distributed job queue mode via the command-line. The /master switch takes the path and filename of the job file as an argument and automatically sets it as the distributed job queue file; the /slave switch also enables the autostart option. If you have a remote launch mechanism, you can remotely launch VirtualDub on worker machines with the /slave option, and then launch a local copy as /master in order to manipulate the job queue.

Note that other than the initial state of the autostart option, there is no difference otherwise between instances of VirtualDub started in master or slave mode, or than just setting the job file and autostart option manually.

Transferring jobs between distributed and local mode

You can take the file and copy it to a new location, or save a copy using the File > Save job list... command, and use that as a distributed job queue. This is handy for preparing jobs without having to first set up distributed mode or for transferring locally set up to jobs to a distributed queue. If you disconnect all instances from a distributed job file, you can also reload that job file as a local queue.

Warning  The default file itself is used as the local job queue and should not be used directly as a distributed job queue. The distributed job queue will be corrupted if an instance of VirtualDub is using the queue file in local mode, as the instance in local mode will not attempt to merge changes, and VirtualDub will issue a warning if you attempt to do so. You can copy the local job file or save it under a different name or path and use that file as the distributed job queue file, but you must not use the local job file itself.


The distributed job file is managed via a revision-based diff and merge system. While the merge algorithm is designed to avoid traditional merging problems that would destroy the job queue, notably duplication or deletion errors, it can sometimes resolve conflicts in unexpected ways. It is generally safe to modify individual jobs by postponing or restarting them. However, if two instances try to reorder the job list at exactly the same time, one of them will win and force its ordering on the other. This is safe in that the job queue will still be correct, but the reordering on the losing instance will have to be redone. Therefore, it is recommended that you modify the job queue from only one instance of VirtualDub at a time.

There is a delay between the time that a change is made locally and when it is committed to the shared file, and another delay before other instance notice the change and pick it up. This can lead to some slightly odd behavior when conflicts occur, such as if a job finishes on a remote machine right when you try to abort it. The job system tries to resolve such conflicts in the most sensible manner; for instance, in the abort-done case, the "done" status overrides the "aborting" status, since the file is already complete. If the resolution is unsatisfactory, simply reapply the change.