# This file contains all controlKeys that are bindable during MIDI learning # If you find any that don't work please prefix them with a # to comment them out. [Channel1] beatloop [Channel1] beatsync [Channel1] cue_default [Channel1] cue_point [Channel1] cue_preview [Channel1] cue_set [Channel1] cue_simple [Channel1] duration [Channel1] file_bpm [Channel1] filterHigh [Channel1] filterHighKill [Channel1] filterLow [Channel1] filterLowKill [Channel1] filterMid [Channel1] filterMidKill [Channel1] flanger [Channel1] Hercules1 [Channel1] Hercules2 [Channel1] Hercules3 [Channel1] Hercules4 [Channel1] LoadSelectedTrack [Channel1] loop [Channel1] NextTask [Channel1] NextTrack [Channel1] pfl [Channel1] play [Channel1] playposition [Channel1] pregain [Channel1] PrevTask [Channel1] PrevTrack [Channel1] rate [Channel1] rate_dir [Channel1] rate_perm_down_small [Channel1] rate_perm_up_small [Channel1] rateRange [Channel1] rateSearch [Channel1] scratch [Channel1] temporalBeatFirst [Channel1] temporalPhaseRate [Channel1] temporalShapeRate [Channel1] TrackEnd [Channel1] TrackEndMode [Channel1] transform [Channel1] VinylControlInputL [Channel1] VinylControlInputR [Channel1] VinylControlQuality [Channel1] virtualplayposition [Channel1] VisualResample [Channel1] volume [Channel1] VuMeter [Channel1] wheel [Channel2] beatloop [Channel2] beatsync [Channel2] cue_default [Channel2] cue_point [Channel2] cue_preview [Channel2] cue_set [Channel2] cue_simple [Channel2] duration [Channel2] file_bpm [Channel2] filterHigh [Channel2] filterHighKill [Channel2] filterLow [Channel2] filterLowKill [Channel2] filterMid [Channel2] filterMidKill [Channel2] flanger [Channel2] Hercules1 [Channel2] Hercules2 [Channel2] Hercules3 [Channel2] Hercules4 [Channel2] LoadSelectedTrack [Channel2] loop [Channel2] NextTrack [Channel2] pfl [Channel2] play [Channel2] playposition [Channel2] pregain [Channel2] PrevTrack [Channel2] rate [Channel2] rate_dir [Channel2] rate_perm_down_small [Channel2] rate_perm_up_small [Channel2] rateRange [Channel2] realsearch [Channel2] scratch [Channel2] temporalBeatFirst [Channel2] temporalPhaseRate [Channel2] temporalShapeRate [Channel2] TrackEnd [Channel2] TrackEndMode [Channel2] transform [Channel2] VinylControlInputL [Channel2] VinylControlInputR [Channel2] VinylControlQuality [Channel2] VisualResample [Channel2] volume [Channel2] VuMeter [Channel2] wheel [Master] balance [Master] crossfader [Master] latency [Master] rate [Master] Record [Master] samplerate [Master] volume # [Playlist] Directory # [Playlist] LastModified # [Playlist] Listfile [Playlist] LoadSelectedIntoFirstStopped [Playlist] SelectNextPlaylist [Playlist] SelectNextTrack [Playlist] SelectPrevPlaylist [Playlist] SelectPrevTrack [Playlist] SelectTrackKnob