sampler s0 : register(s0); float4 p0 : register(c0); #define height (p0[1]) float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { // original pixel float4 c0 = tex2D(s0,tex); // uncomment to activate for HD only /* if(height > 719) { return c0; } */ // r=c0[0], g=c0[1], b=c0[2] // RGB [16,235] to YUV: 601 mode (128 is not added to Cb and Cr) float y=0.299*c0[0] + 0.587*c0[1] + 0.114*c0[2]; float Cb=-0.172*c0[0] -0.339*c0[1] +0.511*c0[2]; float Cr=0.511*c0[0] -0.428*c0[1] -0.083*c0[2]; // YUV to RGB [16,235]: 709 mode (Cb and Cr are 128 less) float r=y+1.540*Cr; float g=y-0.459*Cr-0.183*Cb; float b=y+1.816*Cb; return float4(r,g,b,0); }