Here are some short directions on compiling Armagetron on windows. You will need Visual C++ 6. The sources are distributed over three CVS modules: the generic sources are in "armagetronad", the VisualC build files are in "armagetronad_build_visualc" (which you probably already have, since this file usually lives there) and the libraries Armagetron depends on are in "armagetronad_winlibs". You need to check out all three modules from the repository at for developers or for everyone else. 1. Create a project directory (e.g. C:\Projects\Armagetron) 3. put the armagetronad source files there 4. In the same directory, put the armagetronad_build_visualc files 4. In the same directory, put the armagetronad_winlibs files 5. It should look something like this: +- Armagetron +- armagetronad +- armagetronad_build_visualc +- armagetronad_winlibs 6. Go to the armagetronad_build_visualc directory 7. Run the makedist.bat file to build the Dist and Debug directories 8. Start the Armagetron workspace (Armagetron.dsw) 9. To compile you will need to change the build profile to either Release or Debug (it defaults to Profile for some reason) In case of problems, visit and ask for help.