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Data CD tab (Audio CD Properties dialog box)

Use the Data CD tab in the Audio CD Properties dialog box to change the sound quality of audio copied to a data CD.

Note that the ability to create data CDs is only available on select versions of Windows. For more information, see Special features.

The following options are listed in the Data CD tab:

Select quality level automatically (recommended)

Specifies that the Player automatically set the quality level of files that are copied to your data CD.

Files take longer to copy to the data CD if the Player is converting them from one quality level to another. It is usually best to let the Player automatically set the quality level of audio.

Select quality level

Specifies that you set the quality level of files that are copied to your portable device.

Write playlists to CD as M3U (audio only)

Specifies that playlists that are copied to data CDs have an .m3u extension rather than a .wpl extension.

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