CD copy process
When a track is copied to a CD, the Status column in the Items to Copy pane displays information for each track. The CD burning process includes the following steps:
- Opening or Inspecting (includes the percentage of conversion done). The Player inspects the selected tracks for errors.
- Converting/Converted (includes the percentage of conversion done). Each file is converted to the selected quality level or compression rate and stored in a temporary location on your computer. When creating a data CD, files are only converted if necessary (for example, if a specific bit rate is selected). When creating an audio CD, volume leveling is applied when each file is converted.
- Copying to CD (includes the percentage of copy done). Each file is copied.
- Complete. The CD is not finished until Complete is displayed in the Status column for each track. When the last track is copied, Closing disc is displayed briefly for the last track.
- You can resize the Items to Copy and Items on Device panes by dragging the split bar that is between them. You can also resize any column in either pane by dragging the separator between the columns.
- The application of volume leveling when creating audio CDs is only available on select versions of Windows. For more information, see Special features.
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