WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 2 ??? While maintaining all of the features of WinGuard Version 1, Version 2 of WinGuard adds MANY new features, as well: 1. V.2 lets you hide (and redisplay, of course) individual Program Manager groups. This might perhaps be the most useful of the new V.2 features. Besides allowing you to hide any of the regular groups of icons (such as Main, Accessories, Applications, etc.), it also gives you the chance to create a new hidden group just for your more "sensitive" icons: Create a brand new group, drag and drop the icons you wish to protect into it, and then hide it (and them) by using WinGuard V.2. NOTE: MAKE CERTAIN YOU DO NOT HIDE WINGUARD'S OWN ICON !!! 2. V.2, like V.1, allows you to remove from Program Manager many "sensitive" icons (such as the ones for File Manager, Control Panel, System Editor, PIF Editor, and Windows Setup), while still giving you access to them from within WinGuard. However, V.2 now provides convenient pushbuttons (as well as V.1-style menu items) for these Windows programs, thus making for quicker and easier access. 3. V.2 gives you the chance to hide (and redisplay) one or more of the icons that are in Control Panel's own window, without having to hide the main Control Panel icon, itself. (V.2 also has pushbuttons for each of the twelve "regular" Control Panel functions, giving you quick access to even the hidden icons, without the necessity of redisplaying them.) 4. V.2 allows you to prevent the guest user from exiting from Windows by any normal means (by using Program Manager's File Menu Exit Windows command or Control Menu Close command, or by double-clicking on the Control Menu Icon). (The authorized user may still exit from Windows from within WinGuard.) 5. V.2 lets you replace access to Task List (obtainable by double-clicking with the mouse on the desktop, or by using the Ctrl-Esc key combination) with quick access to WinGuard, instead. (WinGuard will still provide both pushbutton and menu access to Task List from within itself.) Furthermore, if you are using a third-party task manager replacement for Task List, you might (depending on its configuration) be able to hide all of its Windows-arranging and file functions within WinGuard. 6. V.2 does all of its work in the Windows environment, unlike V.1 (which switched to DOS briefly for some of its functions). (This change is also true for the V.2 installation and uninstallation programs, as well.) 7. V.2 should be able to function well with many networked computer configurations, unlike V.1 (which worked only within the directory structure of a typical non-networked machine). 8. V.2 does not display the password as it is entered (unlike V.1), so that an onlooker will not be able to read what the password is. 9. V.2 uses a file to store the working password, as did V.1, but there have been improvements involving the format of the password file itself which increase its security. 10. V.2 does not need to hide its files in a hidden directory, as did V.1. Without sacrificing any security advantage, V.2 is able to function effectively yet unobtrusively in either the Windows directory or the Windows System directory. 11. V.2 is written in Visual Basic 3.0, and is a better overall program than was V.1. However, V.2 does require the presence of vbrun300.dll in either the Windows directory or the Windows System directory, and it does use more memory than V.1. Because of this, a PC with only 1 MB of total memory (with no extended memory) is not likely to be able to run WinGuard V.2, even though it may have (barely) run V.1. (Note, of course, that WinGuard uses memory only when you actually run it, and that its protections require no memory themselves.) As you can see, there have been quite a few improvements made in Version 2 of WinGuard. Upgrading from Version 1 will provide previous users with more flexibility and more security than they had before. However, despite all these changes, if you have been using V.1, do not panic; you will find that the same protection level scheme is utilized in V.2. Thus, if you have experimented a bit, and finally settled on one particular protection level setting for your computer(s), you will find that V.2's setting will have the exact same effect. The only change that you will notice is that WinGuard V.2 lets you do so much more than V.1, so that you will probably end up doing a little more experimenting. For further information, please contact: Cetus Software Post Office Box 700 Carver, MA 02330 USA Internet: fwcetus@aol.com CETUS SOFTWARE THANKS YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN WINGUARD !!!