WELCOME TO WINGUARD !!! INTRODUCTION TO WINGUARD WinGuard can protect a personal computer running Windows 3.1 from having any of its Program Manager groups or items rearranged or damaged (accidentally or intentionally). These protections would probably be the most useful to someone who is in charge of a number of computers at a school or business, though a parent might wish to prevent little fingers on a mouse from dragging all of the Program Manager icons into a (not so) nice "happy face"! WinGuard provides for the automatic setting of any one of seven different protection levels (actually, eight, including a "zero protection" setting), as well as allowing the hiding of "sensitive" programs, such as Windows Setup, Control Panel, or File Manager, behind its password-protected shell. WinGuard also allows the hiding of selected Program Manager groups and Control Panel icons, restricting access to them to the authorized user only. Thus, it can be seen that WinGuard enables the authorized user to configure the Program Manager interface to allow the guest user easy access to selected applications, while minimizing the chances of damage (accidental or intentional) to Windows and the programs accessible through it. NOTE: It is VERY important, when hiding program groups, to make certain that you do NOT hide WinGuard's own icon !!! WINGUARD INSTALLATION NOTE: WinGuard requires the file VBRUN300.DLL to run. While vbrun300.dll IS provided on the WinGuard program disk, it is NOT routinely distributed with the compressed version of WinGuard (wngrd-23.exe) that is carried on bulletin board systems. If you have obtained this shareware copy of WinGuard from an on- line service, you also will need to have a copy of vbrun300.dll installed in either the Windows directory or the Windows System directory. If you do not have a copy of vbrun300.dll, you can probably download one from the same BBS from which you obtained wngrd-23.exe. You may also obtain a copy of vbrun300.dll from Cetus Software (P.O. Box 700, Carver, Mass. 02330) for a nominal cost ($5.00, postpaid). To install WinGuard, please run the WinGuard installation program, install.exe (probably located on the same disk or in the same directory as the file you are now reading). To most easily run WinGuard's install.exe, you may double-click on its icon in File Manager. You may also click on Program Manager's File Menu, click on the Run command (in the File Menu), type a:\install (or b:\install, or whatever the path to install.exe is), and then hit Enter. Once the installation program is running, follow along as it detects the installation source location, the path to the Windows directory (typically c:\windows), and the path to the Windows System directory (typically c:\windows\system), confirming (or correcting) each path. When install.exe asks if you wish to create a WinGuard group in Program Manager (strongly recommended), you should probably answer "Yes", as that is the easiest way to become familiar with all of WinGuard's features. You should read the full winguard.wri file (not copied to the hard disk for security reasons), or at least the abbreviated winguard.txt file, to find out about using WinGuard. You may also start running winguard.exe and then (after entering the correct password) explore its on-line help file (accessible from WinGuard's Help menus, or by using the F1 key, or by clicking with the right mouse button on any of the buttons in WinGuard's Main Window). UPGRADING FROM VERSION 1 TO VERSION 2 If you are upgrading to WinGuard Version 2, the installation program will remove the previous WinGuard files before installing the newer ones. You should find that the previous protection level setting is still in place, but not the password; you will have to change the password from V.2's default installation password of "shield" to one of your own choosing. Please note that the V.1 icon you may have installed may need to have its properties edited, in order to reflect the location of V.2's .exe file (either the Windows directory on a networked computer, or the Windows System directory on an individual PC). Even if you are familiar with WinGuard's protection level settings (which are the same as in V.1), you should at least read the whatsnew.txt file, to find out a little about WinGuard V.2's newer features. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION If you have questions not answered by WinGuard's text files or its on-line help file, please feel free to contact me (Frederick Wasti) at Cetus Software (P.O. Box 700, Carver, MA 02330 USA, or Internet e-mail address fwcetus@aol.com), and I'll try to help. THANK-YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN WINGUARD !!!