Unicon is a unit conversion program for length, area, volume, mass, speed, energy, pressure, power, time, light, and temperature. A reference list of physical and mathematical constants is included. The user can also create and edit a custom conversion file. Unicon runs in Microsoft Windows 3.1 and requires the Microsoft Visual Basic run-time library VBRUN300.DLL which is available from most on-line services and bulletin boards. The data files are organized as follows: UNICON.DAT Standard units of measure for conversions. CONSTANT.DAT Physical and math constants. CUSTOM.DAT User file for conversions. In order to create a custom file, use a standard text editor like Notepad or Edit. On the 1st Line, list the conversion title as you wish it to appear on the button, e.g. Currency, Tax, Commission, etc. Decide on a reference unit, e.g. U.S. Dollar. On each successive line, list the unit name, a comma, and the multiplication factor needed to convert FROM the unit TO the reference unit. For example, a currency file where 100 yen equal one U.S dollar would look like this: Currency U.S. Dollar, 1 Yen, 0.01 Save the file using the name CUSTOM.DAT Additional constants can be added to the CONSTANT.DAT file using a text editor. Release Information 1.0 Original release 4-12-92. 1.1 Unicon.dat updated with higher accuracy conversion factors, corrections, and new conversions. Unicon.exe updated to calculate and display numbers in double precision format. 7-19-92. 1.11 Fixed font problem displaying double precision numbers. Added cut and paste functions. 9-1-92. 1.2 Added math and physical constants for reference. Added a "short cut" key to reverse conversion direction. 12-31-92 1.3 Recompile of Unicon for VBRUN200.DLL. 8-10-93 1.4 Added custom file feature for user unique coversions. 12-2-93 1.5 Recompile for VBRUN300.DLL. 1-3-95 Carl Henry