i've uploaded to /SimTel/pub/msdos/windows unitcon.zip WIN3 instant mutiple unit converter UNITCON.ZIP works by providing seven conversion "layers" namely linear, area, cubic, dry, fluid, weight and temperature. Each layer contains a screenful of conversion cells that simultaneously get recomputed as each digit is entered in any selected cell. For example the linear layer shows the typical units for measuring distances (ie. feet, inches, meters, etc.) as individual cells. As you enter a number into one cell, all other cells are computed on the fly, at each keystroke. Special Requirements: VBRUN300.DLL Distribution: Freeware Uploaded by: Manny Juan (with permission of author) manny@tcomeng.COM Author: Eddie Cheung 201 3rd Street, 4th floor #0187-045 San Francisco, CA 94105 (415)584-7886 For problems or comments, please send email to manny@tcomeng.COM or contact author directly. (Author does not have an online account).