NV's Button Bar (aka NVBar) Version 1.1 Copyright Nick Varacalli, 1994-1995 ========================================= IMPORTANT ========================================= 1) Before proceeding with the installation, please exit any currently running copies of NVBar. If NVBar is your shell, restore the old shell, and restart Windows (with the old shell). Failure to do so may lead to serious problems. 2) If you are installing to a directory that already has a copy of NVBar, be careful not to overwrite your existing NVBar.ini file. I strongly suggest you make a back-up copy, just in case. 3) This program requires VBRUN300.DLL in your windows\system directory to be able to run. If you do not have it you can do either of two things: a) Download it from: ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/mslfiles/vbrun300.exe b) Notify me by e-mail of your problem at n_varac@pavo.concordia.ca 4) A quick tutorial will run once NVBar has finished installing. Even if you are an advanced user, I suggest you read the "NVBar Features" and "*New This Release*" sections. Introduction: NVBar is a simple application launcher based on a row (or column) of buttons with icons as pictures. Clicking on the appropriate button launches the desired application. It is quite simple to use. All documentation, order forms, etc. are contained in the main help file. Contacting The Author: If you have any problems, I can be contacted at 1) n_varac@vega.concordia.ca 2) (514)-728-8337 (Eastern Standard Time, please be considerate, this is a home number.) Nick Varacalli