This package includes following files:
HTML.DOT WinWord 2.0 template file including some
styles for writing and some macros to handle
document as HTML.
RTFTOHTM.DLL The conversion DLL.
RTFTOHTM.INI The inifile for the converter including good defaults.
RTFTOHTM.LIB The import library for the DLL.
RTFTOHTM.H Public interface of the DLL.
HTMTOOLS.DOC Some documentation about the converter in Word 6 format (this file).
HTMTOOLS.HTM Documentation converted to .HTM.
RTF2HTM.EXE QuickWin application for converting files.
RTF2HTM.C Source for above.
RTF2HTM.MAK Makefile for above.
README.TXT Quick document.
There are couple words about Installation at the end of this
Changes and corrections from 0.8x to 0.9x
- The template file with some macros for WinWord 6.0.
- Minor corrections to rtf2htm.exe.
- Empty buffer handling corrected in converter.
Changes and corrections from 0.70 to 0.8x
- Local references (within one document) can be made by specifying Bookmarks. Bookmarks
generate an anchor (<A NAME=...>). If the local references are done by pressing
'D' button in the toolbar, Word shows the bookmarks name (as invisible). This
feature can not be used, if the old features are in use.
- Jump button for local reference can be made by specifying Gotobutton. Gotobutton
generate an URL to local reference (<A HREF=#ref>xxx</A>
- URLs can be made as WinWord Annotations.
- The contents of \fldrslt are to be printed into current destination.
- Base style added for use within Header to produce <BASE> tag.
- List styles (UL,OL) can be nested.
- LISTING style added.
- Header info can be given by WinWord Summary Info or by creating
First Page Header
- WinWord tables now convert (somehow) to preformatted tab
separated 'tables'.
- All supported paragraph styles are now configurable (to the certain level).
- Some of the System variables can be set via an AboutBox (question mark button).
- Several minor bugs corrected.
Changes and corrections from 0.60 to 0.70
- RTFTOHTM.INI added. There are some variables in .INI file
including line length proposals for preformatted and the rest of styles.
- The <HTML> tags added.
- Some extra (unneeded) <P> tag generations removed.
- The attribute values of <A> and <IMG> tags enclosed by double
quotes. Some browsers and editors require this.
Changes and corrections from 0.50 to 0.60
- Some entities have been removed.
- Handling of \par<CRLF>\par<CRLF> correct now. Thanks to Robert
Thompson to notice this bug.
- Some internal structures changed to be more robust.
- The function RTFtoHTM returns the length of the destination correctly.
Document template
HTML.DOT includes some HTML styles. This document template is not meant to be perfect
HTML editing system, but I found it quite useful with companion of the conversion
dll; RTFTOHTM.DLL. Here are some features offered by this software.
There is possible to use page header to generate <HEAD> section to html file.
There is no error checking on it, so the feature should be used correctly by convention.
There should be only one header in the document. You can create such by View_Header/Footer.
In the Header/Footer dialog You should check 'Different First Page', and select Header.
This makes 'headerf' style to the beginning of the first page.
Within the header You should use only TITLE, BASE, and LINK styles. You can make
a paragraph to TITLE by selecting it, and clicking T button in the button
bar or selecting a style Title from style list in ribbon. You can make LINKs
into header by selecting text and setting its style to Link.
If you define a header into document, converter creates both HEAD and BODY sections
to resulting HTML file.
This header info can be given by using File Summary Info command
in WinWord. Within RTFTOHTM.INI you can define which of the
Info fields are used, and within which tags they are produced into resulting file.
Heading 1 to Heading 6
Paragraph to be converted to a heading should be selected. It is enough if a caret
is blinking within a paragraph. Then either clicking E button in the button
bar or selecting an appropriate style from a style list.
There are some emphasis inline styles. You can use Bold, Italics, Underline,
Word Underline by appropriate WinWord emphasis. The interpretation of Bold
is <B>, Italics is <I>, Underline is <U>,
and Word Underline is <EM>.
Block emphasizing
There are some types of block emphasizing styles:
This is a preformatted text as HTML style <PRE>.
This style is applied by selecting this text, and clicking P button in the button bar.
This style can contain other HTML styles, such as anchors, emphasizing inline styles...
The default interpretation for Line breaks is <CRLF> and for Paragraph breaks
<CRLF><CRLF>. Best way to break lines in preformatted style is to use
LineBreak (Shift-Enter) in WinWord. See more info at chapter Installation.
This is a text as HTML style <LISTING>. This style is essentially the same as
preformatted, and was made mostly to allow separate (different style for 'preformatted
text. This style is applied by selecting this text, and selecting its style (Listing)
from style list in WinWord cormatting bar (ribbon). This style can also contain
other HTML styles.
The default interpretation of Line and Paragraph breaks are both <CRLF>.
Block Quote
This style is BlockQuote. This is intended to quote some larger block of text, and
is emphasized in some way. This style is applied by selecting text, and clicking
B button in the button bar.
This is an Address style. These styles are presented differently in different parsers.
You can correct a presentation in WinWord simply by formatting style by your own
taste. Paragraph written in this style is aligned right.
There are two types of lists available. Ordered list as style Order List, and bulleted
list as style Unnum List. These types You can attach to text by selecting text, and
clicking a number list or bullet list button in the button bar. Each paragraph within
selected text becomes a list item. The converter doesn't allow nesting these styles.
If you want to nest them, you must use HTML style (below) and write a markup yourself.
Numbered list
- This is a numbered list item one
- This is item two
- And item three
- Style is Order List
Bulleted list
- This is a bulleted list item one
- This is item two
- And item three
- Style is Unnum List
Bulleted lists can be nested
- This is a bulleted list item one
- This is item two
- This is subitem one for two
- This is subitem two for two
- And item three
- Style is Unnum List
You can nest the list items simply giving them some indentation. The converter
interprets the more indentation the deeper nesting. The same amount of indentation
means the same level of nesting.
The tables made by defining table in WinWord now converts (somehow) to HTML preformatted.
Columns are separated by tabs (one or more). Here is an example:
ID Name Description Done To do
R001 FORM01 Manage the member 5 x
R002 FORM02 Browse the members 5 x
R003 FORM03 Manage the department x y
R004 FORM04 Browse the departments 5 x
HR style
Those horizontal lines visible in WinWord document are made by making an empty line,
and selecting HR style for it.
HTML style
The style HTML allows user to embed 'plain' HTML into Word document. The converter
doesn't touch to this style in any way. No entity interpretation is made. The style
HTML allows user to enter such HTML tags or styles this converter doesn't support
in other way. Here is an example.
Hypertext links
Hypertext links has specific syntax in this template, but nothing denies user to
make his own... The styleurl is composed as follows: There is an url separated by
space from following text. An url part of the text becomes hidden red, and button
part becomes double underlined blue. This is a demo page of NCSA.
By selecting whole url including a button text and clicking L button in
the button bar makes text as following:
If ButtURL = 0 in RTFTOHTM.INI the macro generates this.
This is a demo page of NCSA.
If ButtURL = 1 in RTFTOHTM.INI the macro generates this.
Double clicking the symbol before the button text opens WinWord's annotation pane,
where you can edit this (and other) URLs in this document. This is new feature since
version 080.
This is a demo page of NCSA.
You can also define an hypertext link pointing to specific part of current document
by defining a internal refernce in the link. Here is an example of that kind of link.
Only difference to the 'ordinary' link is that a position (bookmark) within destination
document is present.
This is a test jump to the anchor marked 'testjump'.
The anchor can be made by defining a name and label. This can be made by selecting
an anchor text and pressing D button in the button bar.
This is a destination for above 'testjump'.
Notice that although I use SmallCaps style for a name of the anchor, the case
of the characters is preserved in the resulting HTML file.
Inline images
Inline graphics is quite problematic in WYSIWYG point of view. I have made it in
easy way (for now). It is presented simply as strike through formatting in WinWord.
This allows its use as a link button in the hypertext link.
This is stand alone image:
Here is a button image:
Inline image can act as button. Converter cannot generate following:
<A HREF=anchor><IMG SRC=jchs.gif> The Author</A>
A button field of the hyperlink can contain either an image or plain text but
not both.
Undoing HTML
N button in the button bar resets style of the selected paragraph(s) back
to normal. U button removes some character formatting properties from the
selected text. It can be used to reset hyperlinks or image links back to normal.
Saving a file
You can save a file as *.HTM by pressing S button in the button bar. File can be
saved as *.RTF by pressing R button. Saved file gives a same name as current WinWord
document and an extension .HTM or .RTF depending a save format.
Fine tuning of a resulted HTML file
The resulted HTML file should be edited with plain text editor to clean it. WinWord
2.0 RTF filter may do nasty breaks within anchors, button text, or inline, if it
spans certain memory limits, so they should be corrected before publishing a file.
Copy HTML.DOT into WinWord directory, and RTFTOHTM.DLL somewhere in PATH (eg. WINWORD
or WINDOWS). To begin the new document using this template, open New from
File menu and choose HTML.DOT as document template. To attach HTML.DOT into
old document, use Template... command from File menu. In Template
dialog choose 'Attach Document to' HTML, and click 'Store new Macros and Glossaries
as' 'With document Template'; click OK. This installs the styles into current document.
To install the macros, use Format Style command. In Style dialog
click Define, Merge, and choose; click From Template; click Close.
If you choose to change .INI settings, RTFTOHTM.INI file must be in the same directory
with the converter dll. If this .INI file doesn't exist, the converter uses internal
defaults which are equivalent with following .INI settings:
ZoneMin = 64
ZoneMax = 80
GetStyles = 0
ButtonURL = 1
Bookmark = bkmk
HtmlDir = D:\pub\txtsrv\testdocs
FirstTab = 0
TabStops = 8
Entities = 1
Debug = 0
;Process the RTF Info header
ProcessInfo = 1
;Don't process the RTF header section
ProcessHead = 0
;Get a title
TitleOK = 1
SubjectOK = 0
AuthorOK = 0
KeywordsOK = 0
;Get a document comment
DoccommOK = 1
TitleTag = "\n<TITLE>"|"</TITLE>"
SubjectTag = "\n<TITLE>"|"</TITLE>"
AuthorTag = "\n<AUTHOR>"|"</AUTHOR>"
KeywordTag =
DoccommTag ="<BASE HREF="|">"
;StyleName Begin End Para Line Interpret
Normal = "\n<P>"| "\n<P>"| "\n<P>"| "<BR>\n"| IPR_NONE
Header = ""| ""| ""| ""| IPR_NONE
Title = "\n<TITLE>"| "</TITLE>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Link = "\n<LINK HREF="| ">\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Base = "\n<BASE HREF="| ">\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Heading 1 = "\n<H1>"| "</H1>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Heading 2 = "\n<H2>"| "</H2>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Heading 3 = "\n<H3>"| "</H3>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Heading 4 = "\n<H4>"| "</H4>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Heading 5 = "\n<H5>"| "</H5>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Heading 6 = "\n<H6>"| "</H6>\n"| ""| ""| IPR_NOBREAK
Address = "\n<ADDRESS>\n"| "\n</ADDRESS>\n"| "\n<P>"| "<BR>\n"| IPR_BREAK
BlockQuote = "\n<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"|"\n</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"|"\n<P>"| "<BR>\n"| IPR_BREAK
Preformat = "\n<PRE>\n"| "\n</PRE>\n"| "\n\n"| "\n"| IPR_CRLF
Listing = "\n<LISTING>\n"| "\n</LISTING>\n"| "\n"| "\n"| IPR_LISTING
Unnum List = "\n<UL>"| "\n</UL>"| "\n<LI>"| "<BR>\n"| IPR_LIST
Order List = "\n<OL>"| "\n</OL>"| "\n<LI>"| "<BR>\n"| IPR_LIST
HTML = ""| ""| "\n"| "\n"| IPR_HTML
HR = "\n<HR>\n"| ""| ""| ""| IPR_NONE
System section
- ZoneMin and ZoneMax (numeric) Define the proposal for line break
zone for most of the styles in resulting .HTM file. These variables do not affect
to Preformatted and Listing styles. If one of these is zero, the converter ignores
both of these variables. Anchor and Img tags may go over the limits. The converter
doesn't break line within those tags.
- GetStyles (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, the converter gets style models from
section [Styles] in RTFTOHTM.INI.
- ButtonURL (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, the new features according to the way
specifying an URL to the hypertext link are in effect, otherwise the old method is.
- FirstTab (Numeric). Affects the table conversion. Defines, how many tabs
the converter should place to the beginning of each row.
- TabStops (Numeric). Affects the table conversion. Defines, how many characters
is one tab stop.
- Entities (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, certain characters are to be converted
to the entities defined in HTML DTD, otherwise they are not converted. Use this carefully,
because if set to zero, you can not put any HTML reserved characters in the text.
- Bookmark (text). Defines the bookmark prefix.
- HtmlDir (dirpath). If present, defines the path to save the *.HTM files.
If omitted, the converter uses the same directory where the *.doc document resides
- Debug (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, the converter produces some (internal) debugging
info into .HTM file.
Header Section
- ProcessInfo (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, The converter searches the {\info
...} section in .RTF file to produce <HEAD> section to resulting file. This
information can be given by using File Summary Info command.
- ProcessHead (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, The converter searches the {\headerf
...} style in .RTF file to produce <HEAD> section to resulting file. Both
or either of previous variables can be omitted (or 0). If both are 1, the converter
uses ProcessInfo.
- TitleOK (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, Seraches document Title.
- SubjectOK (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, Seraches document Subject.
- AuthorOK (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, Seraches document Author.
- KeywordsOK (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, Seraches document Keywords.
- DoccommOK (Boolean 0 or 1). If 1, Seraches document Comments.
- TitleTag (text). Defines the begin and end markups for appropriate field.
If the field is found, the converter concatenates first (to the left of vertical
bar) string, the field contents, and last string. The tag can be omitted.If only
the first part is omitted, vertical bar must be there as placeholder.
- SubjectTag (text). As in previous.
- AuthorTag (text). As in previous.
- KeywordsTag (text). As in previous.
- DoccommTag (text). As in previous.
Styles section
In this section the variable names refer to the appropriate style in WinWord. The
value consists five parts:
- Begin tag
What the converter produces to beginning of this style.
- End tag
What the converter produces to end of this style.
- Para
What the converter uses as paragraph separator within this style.
- Line
What the converter uses as line separator within this style.
- Interpret
Tells, how the converter interprets the paragraph (\par), paragraph definition (\pard),
and line (\line) tags from .RTF. These symbols can not be combined.
Nothing special. When the parser sees \par, it produces the paragraph mark appropriate
to current style.
This interpretation is essentially the same as IPR_NONE.
This style can not contain any line breaking characters.
This is mostly used in PRE. The entities are used, and paragraph and line breaks
are as they are in .RTF file.
This is essentially the same as IPR_PRE. The main reason for this is to give two
different styles for 'preformatted' data.
This is mandatorial interpretation. When this is in effect, the text read from .RTF
file is produced to resulting file as is. No entity translations is made.
This interpretation is made for nestable lists and menus.
There is one exported function in the converter DLL. C-prototype is as follows:
long FAR PASCAL RTFtoHTM(LPSTR iname, int ilen, LPSTR oname, int olen);
LPSTR ibuff; //input buffer or filename.
int ilen; //length of input buffer. if zero, iname is treated as filename.
LPSTR obuff; //output buffer or filename.
int olen; //length of output buffer. if zero, oname is treated as filename.
The return value represents a length (in chars) of a resulted HTML file or return
Basic (or Word macro) declaration is as follows:
Declare Function RTFtoHTM Lib "rtftohtm.dll" (iname$, ilen As Integer, oname$, olen As Integer) As Integer
The meaning of parameters are the same as above. If the function is to be used with
Visual Basic, all the parameters must be declared ByVal.
Name: Jorma Hartikka Senior Programmer Analyst
Org: VTKK Government Systems ltd/Information Systems