I have uploaded:
This version replaces all previous versions HTMTLxxx.
I propose the directory should be win3/winword
The readme file follows:
RTF to HTML converter DLL version 0.90 alpha.
This package includes following files:
HTML.DOT WinWord 2.0 template file including some
styles for writing and some macros to handle
document as HTML.
HTML6.DOT WinWord 6.0 template file.
RTFTOHTM.DLL The conversion DLL.
RTFTOHTM.INI The inifile for the converter including good defaults.
RTFTOHTM.LIB The import library for the DLL.
RTFTOHTM.H Public interface of the DLL.
HTMTOOLS.DOC Some documentation about the converter.
HTMTOOLS.HTM Documentation converted to .HTM.
RTF2HTM.EXE QuickWin application for converting files.
RTF2HTM.C Source for above.
RTF2HTM.MAK Makefile for above.
README.TXT This file.
The DLL exports one function: RTFtoHTM(inbuf,inlen,outbuf,outlen).
See HTMTOOLS.DOC for documentation of the conversion function.
This converter can do a conversion from the file or a buffer to the
file or a buffer. All combinations are possible.
There is WinWord template in the package. It demonstrates interfacing
to the Word macro language (and to Basic).
This version of the converter does its best to survive with RTF written
by WinWord versions 2.0c and 6.0x. I haven't test it with any other
RTF generators.
There is also a small application written in C demonstrating the
use of the converter from C language.
Changes and corrections from 0.8x to 0.9x
- The template file with some macros for WinWord 6.0.
- Minor corrections to rtf2htm.exe.
- Empty buffer handling corrected in converter.
Changes and corrections from 0.70 to 0.8x
- Local references (within one document) can be made by specifying
Bookmarks. Bookmarks generate an anchor (). If the local
references are done by pressing 'D' button in the toolbar, Word shows
the bookmarks name (as invisible). This feature can not be used, if the
old features are in use.
- Jump button for local reference can be made by specifying Gotobutton.
- Gotobutton generate an URL to local reference (xxx
- URLs can be made as WinWord Annotations.
- The contents of \fldrslt are to be printed into current destination.
- Base style added for use within Header to produce tag.
- List styles (UL,OL) can be nested.
- LISTING style added.
- Header info can be given by WinWord Summary Info or by creating First Page
- WinWord tables now convert (somehow) to preformatted tab separated 'tables'.
- All supported paragraph styles are now configurable (to the certain level).
- Some of the System variables can be set via an AboutBox (question mark
- One little program (checkbr.exe) added to check RTF consistency.
- Several minor bugs corrected.
Changes and corrections from 0.60 to 0.70
- RTFTOHTM.INI added. There are some variables in .INI file including line
length proposals for preformatted and the rest of styles.
- The tags added.
- Some extra (unneeded)