File Editor for Windows v1.1 Copyright (c) 1995 by Gregory Braun. All rights reserved. This software is free. You may copy and distribute this program as long as all copyright notices remain intact. FxEdit allows you to view and modify binary files. You can also search for specified hexadecimal and ASCII strings. Most commonly used menu commands are also available on the application's toolbar. If you have comments, questions or find any bugs in FxEdit feel free to contact me on CompuServe or America On-line. Gregory Braun CompuServe: 71613,2175 America OnLine: GreggBraun FXEDIT.ZIP File Descriptions: FXEDIT.EXE - The application. CTL3DV2.DLL - DLL required to display 3-D controls in dialog boxes. Copy this file to your Windows System directory if it is not already installed there. Release History: v1.0 - In-house development and testing. v1.1 - Added splash box for distribution.