EasyManager For Windows Version 1.7 ----------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1995, Gupta International BRIEF DESCRIPTION ----------------- Manage home, work and email addresses, home and work tel/fax numbers, family relationships, birth and marriage dates. Export/Import to/from text files, CompuServe Address Book. Share home/work addresses and telephone numbers, auto-fill partial entries (EasyFill), customize EasyLists to view, edit and print only the attributes you want, quickly lookup information (EasyLook), print custom labels, and more. Registration provides free email support, and free upgrades for atleast one year. LONG DESCRIPTION ---------------- EasyManager For Windows manages personal information, and export/import the relevant information to text files and other programs like CompuServe Address Book, etc. Apart from the personal information like postal addresses, unlimited telephone/fax numbers, you can also keep family relationships for persons so you don't have to separately remember the names and other details of your friends/relatives' spouses and their children. You can share home addresses and telephone/fax numbers amongst persons living together so you do not have to worry about entering the same information multiple times and maintaining consistency. You can easily enter, view and print personal information on Persons and Businesses. You can create your own Lists and Labels. You can export/import data to/from text files and CompuServe Information Manager Address Book. FEATURES -------- The following are the salient features of EasyManager For Windows: - Three types of objects - Person, Business and Groups. - Unlimited Telephone/Fax Numbers for each Person/Business with description for each number. - Unlimited Email addresses for each Person/Business. - Birth and Marriage dates. - Share home address, home telephone and fax numbers with other persons so you have to only enter and update the information once. - Share work address with other persons so you have to only enter and update the work address change once. - Maintain Relationships (father, mother, spouse, children) - Group objects in any combination you want to. Groups can be grouped further in other groups. - Define/Customize EasyLists to view, edit and print only the information you want. - EasyEditor to view and edit all the attributes of one object at a time. - EasyExport to export relevant data to text files and other programs including CompuServe Information Manager Address Book, Spreadsheets, etc. - EasyImport to import data from text files and CompuServe Address Book. - EasyLabel to create, view, and print custom labels. - EasyFill to automatically complete partially entered entries. - EasyLook to quickly look up desired information without having to open EasyList or EasyEditor. CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.5 ------------------------ - Supports Import of CompuServe Address Book. - Added Accelerator Key "Ctrl+J" to jump to the object referred to by an attribute of the object being displayed. CHANGES FROM VERSION 1.0 ------------------------ - EasyLabel feature added to print labels and address books. - EasyImport feature added to import from text files. - Support to share home telephone and home fax numbers. - Enhanced EasyEditor to step through records in sequential order. - Bug fixes. - Renamed program from EasyXchange to EasyManager. KEYWORDS -------- PIM, EASY MANAGER, WINDOWS, EZMGR, PHONE BOOK, ADDRESS BOOK, FAMILY, CIM, EXPORT, IMPORT, GI FILES IN THE PACKAGE [EZMGR17.ZIP] ---------------------------------- 1. easymgr.exe : Program Executable File 2. easymgr.def : Program Support File 3. easymgr.hlp : Program Help File 4. easymgr.sdf : Program Support File 5. sspp20.vbx : VBX File 6. register.wri : Registration Form in WRITE format 7. register.txt : Registration Form in TEXT format 8. readme.txt : Readme File (This File) 9. file_id.diz : File for BBS SysOp 10. install.exe : Installation Program 11. winstall.inf : Installation Support File REQUIREMENTS ------------ Windows 3.1 or higher running on 386 or higher IBM PC or compatible. At Least 2 MB RAM required. 4 MB recommended. INSTALLATION ------------ If installing from the EZMGRxx.ZIP file: 1. Unzip the package by PKUNZIP or any other compatible UNZIP utility. Unpack it in a directory which is not going to be the final destination directory where EasyManager For Windows will be installed. 2. Run install.exe from within Windows Program Manager as install.exe. [This step is needed to copy all the files to your destination directory, and to create a Program Group] If installing from EasyManager For Windows floppy diskette: 1. Insert the diskette to the appropriate drive 2. Run install.exe from within windows Program manager as a:\install.exe. Installation Notes: NOTE 1: During installation, do not specify destination directory same as source directory. It will confuse the installation program. NOTE 2: If you had previously installed EasyManager For Windows and you still have the EasyManager For Windows Program Group in the Program Manager, delete the Group first before beginning installation. GENERAL ADVICE -------------- These are suggestions for new users to help them get started quickly and avoid pit falls later on. Ofcourse, you can come up with your own set of rules depending on your style. - Before starting, read the Help item "Getting Started". - Set your preferences. You can get to the Preferences Dialog from "Edit -> Preferences" menu item. - It is easiest to enter information using EasyLists. Design your own EasyList depending on what kind of information you want to enter at one time. Some predefined EasyLists are already provided for your convenience. You can define new EasyLists or edit the definition of an existing EasyLists by clicking on "EasyLists -> Define EasyList..." menu item. - Create Person objects to store information of people like their home, work and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, family relationships, age, date of birth and marriage, etc. - Create a Business object if you only want to store information NOT associated with a person but is associated with a business entity. You can store business name, postal and email address, telephone and fax numbers, and comments. - For Person Objects, specify the following relationships whenever you can: - Living With: This will automatically help you share home address, phone and fax between persons living together. - Working With: This will automatically help you share Company Name and Work Address between persons working together. In the next release, you can also optionally share the work phone and fax numbers. - When entering a Person's name, follow a convention of entering first name, middle name, last name in that order. - Currently you can specify only one telephone or fax number, or email address from within an EasyList. If you want to specify more than one telephone or fax number, or email address, you can do it from EasyEditor. However once specified, they will appear in the EasyList too, and you can modify the values from EasyList. - Dates should be specified as MM/DD/YYYY. Note, that you must specify all the four digits of the year. Example: 1995 is correct, whereas 95 is not correct. COPYRIGHT --------- EasyManager For Windows is fully copyrighted by Gupta International. EasyManager, EasyList, EasyEditor, EasyExport, EasyImport, EasyLook, EasyFill, EasyLabel, EasyFilter, EasyReport, and EasyReminder are all trademarks of Gupta International. LICENSE ------- EasyManager For Windows is NOT free software. EasyManager For Windows is released as SHAREWARE. This means that you may try the software for 30 days free of charge. After 30 days, you should either pay the required registration fees or should stop using the software and delete the software permanently from your hard disk. The REGISTRATION FEE is $15.00 + $2.00 (US Shipping & Handling) US Dollars. Registration entitles you to the following: 1. Free upgrades to all future shareware releases of the program for at least one year. This includes EasyFilter and EasyReminder features. 2. Availability of more export/import modules to export/import relevant information to/from other programs. 3. Free technical support via email. SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION ---------------------- You may distribute the package freely to FTP sites, Bulletin Boards, Shareware/Freeware/Public Domain archives, CD-ROMS, Magazine Cover Disks and CD-ROMS, etc. Shareware disk vendors also may also freely distribute the package. Distribution of the package in any form is subject to ALL the following conditions; [1] ALL the files supplied with the progam must be included, and [2] NO ATTEMPT must be made to modify or alter ANYTHING in any of the files, and [3] You must not charge ANYTHING for distributing this package (disk vendors may charge a reasonable fee, not exceeding $5 (US) for media and duplication). DISCLAIMER ---------- You use "EasyManager For Windows" ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. I do NOT warranty ANYTHING concerning any of the programs or files which make up "EasyManager For Windows". I accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE of ANY kind, including, but not limited to, losses of a physical, mental, social, financial, marital, or of whatever nature, resulting from the use, or the purported use of "EasyManager For Windows", or any of the files in the package, for any purpose whatsoever. I do not even warranty that the programs will not kill you. If these terms are not acceptable to you, then please DELETE all the files from your disks IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY. CONTACT ADDRESS --------------- Vivek Gupta Gupta International 140 Pasito Terrace, #511 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA. Email: 71332.167@compuserve.com Tel: 408.992.0300 FILE_ID.DIZ (Reproduced) ------------------------ EasyManager For Windows: Version 1.7: Manage postal and email addresses, phones, family relationships, etc. Group persons & businesses. Export/Import to/ from text files and other applications. Share addresses & phone numbers, auto-fill partial entries (EasyFill), customize EasyLists, quickly lookup information (EasyLook), print custom labels, and more. SHAREWARE ($15+$2 S&H) V. Gupta, Gupta Int. 71332.167@compuserve.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gupta International August 1995.