snPlaner for Windows95/WindowsNT Version 5.3 Shareware-Version Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Softwarebuero N. Schaefers Baerenwinkel 4, 38444 Wolfsburg, Deutschland Tel.: 05361-78823 Mailbox/Fax: 05361-775312 CompuServe Id: 100346,1654 INSTALLATION ============ Enter the MS-DOS-Prompt. Copy the file SNPLAN53.EXE to a directory you want. Start the selfextracting archiv SNPLAN53.EXE. You will get the following files: SNPLANER.EXE (The program) SNPLANER.DLL (A DLL used by the program) SNPLANER.HLP (The Online-Help) SNPLANER.PHD (Informationen about Public Holidays) Now you can start SNPLANER. Just type SNPLANER .