Welcome to JumpSTART-96* Rededicates the right ALT key to become a START key. Pressing the START key opens the START menu under any Windows application. Rededicates the right CTRL key to become an APPLICATIONS key. Pressing the APPLICATIONS key opens additional menus for any Windows application that supports its use. The START and APPLICATIONS keys remain in force, unless JumpSTART-96 is UNINSTALLED. Then these 2 keys revert to their original ALT and CTRL functions. *JumpSTART-96: (c) Copyright 1995 by Ergonomics, Inc. Now is the time to register your JumpStart-96* You have had better than a money-back guarantee by having evaluated this unregistered version on a 30-day trial basis. Purchasing the REGISTERED version for $15, is a bargain, because, 1. You are a Sport (Cost equivalent to 3 visits to McDonald's) 2. You are entitled to future upgrades at a 33% discount. 3. This funds development of ergonomic products to benefit you. 4. This 'NAG-SCREEN' will disappear. Thank you for registering JumpSTART-96. Compuserve, register on-line (GO SWREG) #7696 or send $15 (Check) to Dr. Alan H. Grant(JS-96) 2813 University Blv. West Kensington, MD 20895 *(c)TM