Now is the time to register your JumpStart-96* You have had better than a money-back guarantee by having evaluated this unregistered version on a 30-day trial basis. Purchasing the REGISTERED version for $15, is a bargain, because, 1. You are a Sport (Cost equivalent to 3 visits to McDonald's) 2. You are entitled to future upgrades at a 33% discount. 3. This funds development of ergonomic products to benefit you. 4. This 'NAG-SCREEN' will disappear. Thank you for registering JumpSTART-96. Compuserve, register on-line (GO SWREG) #7696 or send $15 (Check) to Dr. Alan H. Grant(JS-96) 2813 University Blv. West Kensington, MD 20895 *(c)TM JumpSTART-96 Order Form You can order JumpSTART by: 1. Check or money order in US $ payable to Dr. Alan Grant (JS96). 2. Your Compuserve account. 3. Instant Delivery!. See the end of this document for details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO: FROM: Date: __________________________________ Dr. Alan H. Grant (JS96) Name: __________________________________ 2813 University Blvd. West Kinsington, MD 20895 (Company): __________________________________ (Title): __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City,State: __________________________________ Zip Code Voice: __________________________ Fax: __________________________ Other (CIS,etc.): __________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JumpSTART-96 5.25" disk ____ or 3.5" disk ____ Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Shipping : Inside North America $ 3.50 Outside North America $ 10.00 Instant Delivery! (see below) $ 0.00 . . . . . . ______ Subtotal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ Maryland residents add 5% sales tax . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ Total enclosed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______ Check or Money Order -------------------- Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S. funds payable to Dr. Alan H. Grant. All licenses are prepaid only. Ordering Via Compuserve ----------------------- Log onto Compuserve. Type GO SWREG. And select the Register Shareware option. Use the ID number 7696. From there, just follow the instructions. Instant Delivery! ----------------- If you have a Compuserve account, you can obtain a registered version of JumpSTART-96 within hours anywhere in the world. This is how: 1. Log onto Compuserve. Type GO SWREG. And select the Register Shareware option. Use the ID number 7696. From there, just follow the instructions. 2. EMAIL me the date and time you registered at 76526,3005. I will EMAIL to your account the registered version in self-extracting form. 3. There is no shipping and handling fee. 4. You'll receive your registered copy within hours (not weeks like normal mail).