Win95 Enhanced Clipboard is a utility which replaces the Windows clipboard when it's AutoCopy mode is enabled, and allows an "unlimited" number of individual text items (64K bytes) to be copied into itself using the copy or cut commands within Windows applications. Each new item is appended to the contents of the "window", and a blank line is inserted between entries. At any time the AutoCopy feature may be disabled, allowing the saved text to be copied and pasted into other text applications. An option is also available to enable or disable the program's "Always on Top" property. (Default) This feature is useful when repeatedly copying and pasting selected text items, as the form does not become hidden when selecting an area to paste text into another application. The program also provides buttons to launch Windows Write and Notepad for saving selected items into a file, without having to go searching for the icons. This program is very handy for "Net Surfers" to use while browsing, enabling them to add URL's and desired text information on E-Mail addresses, interesting titles, etc. without having to stop and save each item to a file. The stored text can be saved out offline after leaving the internet or an Online service, saving money on connect time.