HUGO'S HORRIFIC ADVENTURE (SHAREWARE VERSION) Copyright 1995, David P. Gray, Gray Design Associates All Rights Reserved Member, Association of Shareware Professionals David P. Gray, Gray Design Associates P.O. Box 333, Northboro, MA 01532, USA CIS: 73607,2105 or DISTRIBUTION POLICY OVERVIEW ============================ BBS sysops and Internet sites are granted automatic permission to distribute (but not sell) the shareware version of Hugo's Horrific Adventure. Mail-order catalog diskette (but not CD-ROM) vendors are granted automatic permission to sell floppy diskettes containing this shareware product and may charge a nominal fee to cover the cost of selling the disks (see PRICE below). The latest versions are at our home page All OTHER classes of distributor including, but not limited to, those involving diskette, CD-ROM or any distribution in a retail environment MUST obtain written permission from David P. Gray first. In general this means signing a royalty contract, either for this shareware version or, preferably, the full retail Trilogy version. This product is protected by U.S. Copyright laws and international treaty. Distribution of these games (both shareware and registered) is strictly controlled and any breaches of copyright will be vigorously pursued. DISTRIBUTION LICENSE ==================== As the exclusive copyright holder for this software David P. Gray authorizes distribution of the shareware version of this product only in accordance with ALL of the following restrictions: 1. DOCUMENTATION. This software package and all related program files and documentation files may NOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete package. 2. PRICE. No price or other compensation may be charged for this software package. A nominal download fee may be charged to the user to cover the cost of downloading from a BBS or other online service but no attempt must be made to sell this software. Mail-order catalog diskette vendors may charge a nominal fee to cover the cost of providing a diskette containing this shareware, not exceeding $6 in the U.S. and $8 elsewhere. 3. BUNDLING. This software package may not be sold as part of any commercial software or hardware packaging offer, without written permission from David P. Gray. We invite any manufacturer wishing to bundle this software with their own products to contact David P. Gray. 4. ENTICEMENT. This software is not to be used as an enticement to purchase another product without written permission from David P. Gray. 5. TRANSLATION. This software package including all documentation may not be translated in any form whatsoever without written permission from David P. Gray. 6. PERMISSION. Certain types of distribution require written permission as detailed below. Unlawful distribution without the required permission constitutes a breach of copyright and will be vigorously enforced. NEVER ASSUME PERMISSION IS GRANTED IF WE DO NOT RESPOND. Written permission can only be obtained directly from David P. Gray. Written permission is NOT transferrable in any form whatsoever. CD-ROM distributors, whether mail-order or in a retail setting or otherwise, MUST obtain written permission from David P. Gray. DISKETTE distributors in a retail setting MUST obtain written permission from David P. Gray. BBS & INTERNET OPERATORS are granted automatic permission and do not need to contact David P. Gray. MAIL-ORDER floppy diskette vendors are granted automatic permission and do not need to contact David P. Gray. Make sure you get the latest versions of our shareware from our home page (see above). PUBLISHERS wishing to include this software package in a magazine must obtain the latest version directly from David P. Gray. Nonprofit organizations and other non-commercial distributors such as Computer clubs and Special Interest Groups are granted automatic permission and do not need to contact David P. Gray. Flea market, shoe box and swap meeting type vendors (floppy diskette only) are granted automatic permission and do not need to contact David P. Gray. Any other form of distribution, whether omitted or subsequently invented, REQUIRES written permission from David P. Gray. END-USER LICENSE ================ This is the first in a series of three ganes. Game 1 is shareware. The other 2 games are NOT. The other two games must be purchased directly from David P. Gray. Do not copy or distribute the registered versions. 1. Grant of License. David P. Gray hereby grants you the right to evaluate the shareware version of Hugo's Horrific Adventure for a period of 30 days. After this period you are required to cease using the program. You may purchase all three games at any time. See the online Help in the game for details of how to purchase them. 2. Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this license. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. 3. Individuals are allowed to pass on copies of the shareware version of this program to other individuals and to upload to BBSs or the Internet. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ====================== This software is provided "AS IS" and the author makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. In no event will the author be liable for incidental, consequential, indirect or other damages including any lost profits or lost savings arising from the use of, or inability to use the software even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. And in no event shall the liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the software, regardless of the form and/or extent of the claim. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------