WinLab V3.0 Installation instruction Copyright (c) 1993,1994 PhD Engineering SRL To Install WinLab V3.0 simply copy the distribution files into a directory (e.g. c:\WINLAB), then install a new program icon from the file menu of the program manager. The very first time WinLab will start, it will setup everything to work and will write a file in the WINDOWS directory WINLAB.INI To change the language used by WinLab you have to change two entries International=C:\WINLAB\intsupp.ini Lang=eng The first tell WinLab which file containing translated message strings to use, currently intsupp.ini contains only entries for English and Italian. The second set the language to use, currently could be only one of "eng" or "it". You may translate entries into intsupp.ini yourself just adding a new section (e.g. for French you may call it "Fr"). If you translate into a new language please send me a copy of your intsupp.ini file, thanks.