*************************************************************** WELCOME TO MIJENIX WIZMANAGER 2.5 *************************************************************** Thank you for using WizManager! WizManager is now better than ever... and you'll see that it will transform your File Manager into possibly the most powerful file management system available in Windows. **************************************************************** !!! IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES, PLEASE READ !!! **************************************************************** REGISTERED users of WizManager, please read the section of this file explaining how you can obtain a FREE upgrade to version 2.5. IF YOU ENCOUNTER ANY PROBLEM DURING OR AFTER THE INSTALLATION, PLEASE NOTIFY MIJENIX. WE WILL TRY TO IDENTIFY AND CORRECT THE PROBLEM. Mijenix's address can be found at the end of this file. -> WizManager 2.5 is compatible and will enhance the File Managers of Windows 3.1 and 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and 3.11. However, WizManager 2.5 is NOT compatible with an un-official version of File Manager that is available for download from some online services. This un-official version (which has a Toolbar that cannot be customized) will not load WizManager 2.5 properly and instead will hang/get stock at startup. If you wish to use WizManager 2.5, then re-install the standard File Manager that came with your copy of Windows. -> If you have problems displaying files correctly with WizManager's file viewer (all the text files are displayed in in HEX format for example) then you probably have an older version of MHVIEW.VBX in your WINDOWS or SYSTEM directory. WizManager provides the latest version of MHVIEW and you can replace the older version of MHVIEW.VBX in your WINDOWS or SYSTEM directory with the MHVIEW.VBX file found in the WizManager directory (C:\WIZMGR\MHVIEW.VBX by default). Older versions of MHVIEW.VBX are used and installed by MicroHelp's Uninstaller program for example. -> If you encounter General Protection Fault (GPF) error messages while running WizManager or screen refreshing problems after deleting a directory, start the Windows Setup program and change the video driver of your system to a standard Windows video driver (says "VGA" in the video drivers list) and determine whether General Protection Fault messages still appear. If they don't, update the video drivers you were using to the latest available version. -> You can avoid the screen refreshing problems generated by a few video drivers when deleting a directory by selecting the directory to delete in the directory window (right side of File Manager) and not in the directory tree (left side of File Manager). -> DO NOT DECLARE MORE THAN 4 EXTENSIONS IN THE WINFILE.INI [AddOns] section (5 extensions if you are running Windows for Workgroups 3.11): File Manager limits you to 4 extensions and it is up to you to "keep up" and maintain the [AddOns] section of WINFILE.INI. If you have more than 4 declarations under [AddOns], simply type a ';' (without the quotes) at the beginning of the line(s) you want File Manager to ignore. This lets you keep all the declarations in case you decide later to alter your choices and start only the ones you need. During the installation of WizManager, the [AddOns] section of WINFILE.INI is updated to include the WizManager library path. This declaration is appended at the end of the [AddOns] section. If more than 3 other declarations exist above WizManager's line, proceed as explained above to cancel out one or more declarations (use Notepad.exe for example to edit WINFILE.INI, and modify the [AddOns] entries only). -> If WizManager presents problems when you close and restart File Manager, then make sure that the WizManager entry in the [addons] section of WINFILE.INI is declared as the first entry (i.e. is the first line under [addons]). -> Lantastic File Manager extension makes File Manager load WizManager twice and disables WizManager's functionality. To correct this, remove the Lantastic File Manager extension declaration from the [AddOns] section in WINFILE.INI and if you use the features provided by the Lantastic menu in File Manager, then create buttons in the WizManager Launchbar to start these Lantastic utilities. -> There are a few programs which are incompatible with the WizManager Lock feature. These programs are mainly screen savers (not the major ones) and a few utilities like Diamond System's "In Control Tools". **************************************************************** FREE UPGRADE TO 2.5 FOR REGISTERED USERS OF WIZMANAGER 2.0 **************************************************************** ! This set of files is the evaluation version of WizManager Pro ! 2.5. YOU CANNOT UPGRADE A REGISTERED VERSION OF WIZMANAGER ! WITH THIS SET OF FILES. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: Registered users of WizManager 2.0 and WizManager Pro 2.0 can download the upgrade to WizManager 2.5 and WizManager Pro 2.5 from our BBS (608-277-0025) or from our forum on CompuServe (GO MIJENIX, Library 18). Filename: Upgrade for: WIZUPSTD.ZIP Upgrade for WizManager "standard" WIZUPPRO.ZIP Upgrade for WizManager Pro These FREE upgrades will automatically upgrade an installed REGISTERED version of WizManager version 2.0 (standard or Pro) to a REGISTERED version of WizManager version 2.5 (standard or Pro). These FREE upgrades however will NOT upgrade any evaluation/shareware version of WizManager or any version of WizManager 1.1x or 1.5x. PLEASE NOTE: If, as a REGISTERED user, instead of downloading the FREE upgrade you prefer to receive the full version of WizManager 2.5 or WizManager Pro 2.5 on disk, you can contact Mijenix Corporation and a disk with the full version of the new product (not just the upgrade) will be sent to you. The fee for this service, including shipping and handling, is $10. **************************************************************** WHAT'S NEW? **************************************************************** WizManager 2.5 is the result of listening to your wishes. Many new features are now available which enhance the File Viewer, Zip/UnZip, File Finder, Duplicates Finder and Directory Synchronizer. Please read the file HISTORY.TXT for more information and specifics about the improvements brought by WizManager 2.5. Please note the new tel. and fax numbers of Mijenix Corporation: Tel: (608) 277-1981 Fax: (608) 277-1971 Mijenix Corporation is also pleased to announce that its BBS is now up and running. Feel free to dial in at: BBS: (608) 277-0025 **************************************************************** WINDOWS NT and WINDOWS95 **************************************************************** Mijenix Corp. is porting WizManager to the 32-bit world of Windows NT and Windows95. These products will be available with several other new and exciting Windows95 products from Mijenix when Windows95 starts shipping. WizManager version 2.5 is a set of EXEs & DLLs written for Windows 3.10 and 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups 3.10 and 3.11. WizManager version 2.5 is not specifically designed for Windows NT or Windows95 and you may experience some limitations when using WizManager version 2.5 in these environments. **************************************************************** MIJENIX CORP. ADDRESS **************************************************************** Mijenix Corporation 6666 Odana Rd, Ste 326 Madison, WI 53719 Tel : (608) 277-1981 Fax : (608) 277-1971 Mijenix BBS : (608) 277-0025 CompuServe Forum : GO MIJENIX CompuServe : 74774,564 America Online : Mijenix Internet : 74774.564@compuserve.com _______ ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER Mijenix Corp. is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.