----------------------------------------------------------- IconDar ----------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM Please e-mail this form with your credit card details to: Internet: 100274.2607@compuserve.com -or- Compuserve: 100274,2607 Or print and return this form with your payment by cash, check or money order for the amount indicated below to: Arti Software P.O. Box 23730 TEL AVIV 61231 ISRAEL You will be registered and receive your own license number, by fax, e-mail or mail. An additional set of classic pictures (Subject: "Water") will be sent to you by e-mail or mail. You will also be entitled to technical support for 2 years, by fax, e-mail or phone. Amount Registration Fee: ---------------------------------------------- [ ] IconDar2.0 $24.00 Total $_______ Name ________________________________________________ Company (if applicable) _____________________________ [ ] Charge my credit card account $__________________ [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] Eurocard [ ] AMEX Account Number ___________________________________ Expiration Date __________________________________ Signature (if printed) ___________________________ [ ] I enclose my check for $__________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City __________________________________ State _______ Zip _________ Phone ______________ Fax ______________ [ ] Plese send me, free of charge, the additional classic picture set (Subject: "Water"). [ ] Yes, I want to receive notices about new selections of add-on pictures. E-Mail Address ______________________________________ PC/CPU/Speed ________________________________________ Display? [ ]VGA [ ]SVGA [ ] Other: ________________ Where Obtained? _____________________________________ Suggestions/Comments ________________________________ _____________________________________________________