If you have an aversion to Install programs, you can manually install Daywatch for Windows by doing the following: Note: ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE MANUALLY INSTALLING. IF YOU WANT THE INSTALLER TO DO THE WORK, THEN PRESS THE CONTINUE BUTTON AND SIT BACK. 1. Press the Continue button to close this readme file. 2. At this point the installation process will begin. 3. Press the Cancel button to stop it and go to DOS (or use the File Manager to perform the equivalent steps described below). 4. Make a new directory (call it what you want). 5. Use EXPAND.EXE (comes with Dos and Windows) to decompress all files with an "_" in the extension to the new directory. 6. Read the README.TXT file. 7. Back in Windows, install the icons of WINWATCH.EXE, WINCHECK.EXE and CONFIG.EXE in whatever Program Group you wish. If any of these instuctions don't make sense, then use the Install program to do it for you.