Q1: Can I use VirtualDrive for playing digital CD audio?

Yes, you can play digital audio with VirtualDrive. However, you must keep it in your mind that the building process must strictly comply with these 2 rules:

(1) audio CD must be built as the following: PCM wave format, 44.100kHz, 16kBit/s, stereo,   172kb/s

(2) all sound tracks must be included into virtual CD.

You can have VirtualDrive play digital CD audio by following these settings:

For Windows XP user, right-click on My Computer and select Properties from the drop menu, then point to Hardware->Device Manager to open the window as below:

Double click on the virtual drive to a open new  window and point to properties on it. Check the bottom box to enable digital audio for this virtual drive.

Q2: Why the time for building protected CD is much longer than building other sorts of CDs?

You must build protected CDs with intelligent extraction, otherwise the building is hard to finish because it cost overmuch time or the VCD is unreadable after the building. Another reason for this phenomenon is that at the beginning of the building, VirtualDrive slows down the speed while reading data from some protected area on the CD (as laserlock, safedisk, securom), so the time estimate to finish will be prolonged. The VirtualDrive will speed up once finish the building on this area and the time remains will be reduced as well.

Q3: Does the building time vary depending on the quality of the real CD-ROM drive?

The reading speed of CD-ROM drives produced by different manufacturer diverse varies a lot due to their error-correction ability and other mechanisms. Therefore, the building speed mostly depends on the quality of CD-ROM drive instead of VirtualDrive program.

Q4: Can I convert a VCD file, which is built by intelligent extraction, into an ISO file?

The standard of the VCD file that built by using Intelligent Extraction is different from ISO file. So it can't be converted into a ISO  file.  

Q5: Why can't I use VirtualDrive7 to build audio tracks of CD into MP3 format?

VirtualDrive7 need MP3 coding/decoding tools to build audio tracks into MP3 format, please make sure you have installed Microsoft Windows Media Player MP3 groupware or other including MP3 coding/decoding links storeroom in your computer.

Q6:  Does VirtualDrive7 support IEEE1394 or USB CD-ROM?

VirtualDrive 7.03 or later version support IEEE1394 or USB CD-ROM. If you still possess the old version, you can download the newer one from our website.

Q7:  Does VirtualDrive7 support Multi-Session CD and CD-Extra?

Yes, VirtualDrive7.1 supports both kinds of CD.

Q8: VirtualDrive auto-plays the contents of virtual CD at system start-up. How can I stop the auto-play?

Uncheck Enable CD autorun box from View-> Settings -> Miscellaneous settings in VirtualDrive menu bar.

Q9: Can VirtualDrive automatically eject all inserted VCDs from virtual drive(s) after the computer restarted?

Yes, just uncheck Keep VCDs in drive when system boots box from View->Settings->Miscellaneous settings in VirtualDrive menu bar.

Q10:  I'm upgrading VirtualDrive6 to version 7. I'm sure I have successfully removed the old program, but it still prompt me to uninstall it when I try installing VirtualDrive7. How can I resolve this problem?

Search and delete the following files from your system: cda.pdrcdant.sys and cda.sys. And then restart the computer and continue the installation.

Q11: Why does the game application still ask me to insert the CD when the virtual CD is already inserted?  

  You may resolve this problem by trying either of the following methods:

        a. Change the virtual drive as the first CD-ROM.

    b. Build this game CD by using intelligent extraction.

Q12: Why the maximum number of virtual drive is 23?

There are 26 letters in alphabet. We suppose that A: and B: are floppy drives on your computer, C: is the entire hard disk, and therefore there are 23 letters left (D-Z), each one can be assigned to a drive. So you can create at most 23 virtual drives.

Q13: Can I backup the settings of VirtualDrive?

The answer is yes.

You just need to backup the following two files located at Files\FarStone\VirtualDrive\Data.




VCD information


VCD hotkey settings

Note: VirtualDrive install/uninstall program will not replace or remove these two files.

Q14: Does VirtualDrive support protected game CD?

The answer is yes, VirtualDrive supports various protected game CDs as: Mixed-Mode protected, Safedisk1Safiedisk2SecuromLaserlock, etc.

Q15: Why can’t I hear the background music while playing game?

The background music of some mixed-mode CD is available only if the CD is inserted in the first CD-ROM on the system.

Q16: Some games require more than one CD for playing. How can I replace CD without interrupting the game?

VirtualDrive enables users to use hot-key to insert a CD. Preset a hot-key and virtual drive for the CDs and you can insert them into the designated drive by using the hot-key without stopping the game.

Q17: What sort of CD need to be built by using ‘Intelligent Extraction’?

Some protected CDs as Securom should use intelligent extraction to build.

Q18: Q13: After I set the number and position of virtual drives on Windows2000/XP, VirtualDrive regards virtual drive as real CD-ROM drive. How can I correct this?

There are two ways to resolve this problem: (1) Restart your computer (2) Refresh in Device Manager

Q19: The drive letter of real CD-ROM was arranged to the tail. How can I change the drive letter sequence? ( e.g. change F: to E:)

You can assign a drive letter to a CD-ROM drive by the following steps:

Win98, ME only  

(1) Click on System in Control Panel Window.

(2) In the System window, select Device Manager  

(3) Click on the CD-ROM item, then double click the physical CD-ROM drive icon.

(4) Select Settings, and then set the drive letter.


Windows 2000/XP only

1Right click on ‘my computer’ from desktop, select manage --> disk management .

2Make sure which one is virtual drive.

3Right click on virtual drive icon, select ‘change drive letter or paths’ from the drop menu.


Q20: Why does the system always prompt me that the version of wnaspi32.dll is incorrect once I run virtual CD in VirtualDrive?

You need the newer version of ASPI32 to run virtual CD on Win98/Me. To correct this error, just download ASPI32 from http://www.farstone.com.cn/ or www.adaptec.com

 Q21: Why can’t I use Win98 CD player to play audio CD?

There might be too many virtual drives have been set in your system. Win98 CD player is unable to recognize these drives. Please try other kinds of media player.

Q22: Should I remove VirtualDrive before upgrade Windows?

When you are preparing to upgrade your system from Win98/Me to Win2000/XP, please uninstall VirtualDrive from the computer. After successfully upgrade Windows, reinstall Game drive on the new system.