Rapid Cache Manager offers four utility packages spread over four pages. Each of these pages will be described in detail hereafter.
Note: Rapid Cache gets better performance without Windows CD read-ahead function. The VirtualDrive setup program will disable it automatically. However, there are some CD titles that may turn it on again. In these cases, you may need to follow steps below to disable "read-ahead" manually.
(1) From the "Control Panel" double-click on the "System" icon to open the "System Properties" window.
(2) Select the "Performance" tab then click on "File System..."
(3) Select the CD-ROM tab
(4) In the "Optimize access pattern for:" drop-down list, select "No read-ahead."
(5) Click OK to affect the new setting.
The Cache Settings page allows you to choose a cache configuration that can be tailored to the type of file access that works best for your hardware.
By experimenting with each of the three different caching modes to gain a maximum “Save Ratio”, overall CD and VCD performance can be dramatically improved.
When experimenting with various settings to maximize CD or VCD performance, you should flush the cache buffer (by clicking on the Reset Cache button) each time you change the settings to give a more precise evaluation of performance.