5.9-4 Miscellaneous Settings

Show VirtualDrive splash screen at startup: The VirtualDrive Manager will display the VirtualDrive logo when the program loads.

Keep VCDs inserted  when restarting: VCDs that were inserted into any VirtualDrive on shutdown will be inserted at startup.

Add VirtualDrive icon to the System Tray: The VirtualDrive icon will be added to the bottom right hand side of the Windows taskbar.

Enable CD Auto-run: This  feature will be enabled if this box is checked. Keep in mind that all CD drives will be affected by this setting. This includes physical drives as well as VirtualDrives.

(Note: New settings will not take effect until VirtualDrive is reloaded.)

Run VDtask while launching VirtualDrive manager: The VirtualDrive icon will be displayed in the bottom-right system tray while launching VirtualDive.