5.7 Adding VCD files to run on your VirtualDrives

To use an existing VCD file on your hard drive or on another computer in a network, you must first add a VCD icon to the VirtualDrive Manager window. There are several ways to do this:

Method 1 - Drag and drop the VCD file from Windows Explorer into VirtualDrive Manager.  

Method 2 - From the "File" menu of VirtualDrive Manager, select "Add " to open the Add VCD browser (Figure 5-7a). Use the browser to select and add VCD files.

       Figure 5-7a

Method 3 Right click in the left pane of the VirtualDrive Manager and select ADD to open the Add VCD window (Figure 5-7b). From here you can browse to locate VCD files on your PC .

Method 4  Click on the Add button to open the Add VCD window (Figure 5-7b).

                               Figure 5-7b

Method 5 Use the Search window (See Section 5.6) to locate and add VirtualDrive type files.