5.3 VCD Properties

The VCD Properties window shows VCD attributes such as its storage location, file size and CD type.  

From the Properties window you can also edit the VCD description, add an Auto-Run command, set its default Virtual drive or assign a Hot-Key to run the VCD.  


5.3-1 Opening the VCD Properties window

Right-click on a VCD icon and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu to open the "VCD Properties" window (Figure 5-3a).

                                                   Figure 5-3a

5.3-2 Changing the VCD Description

Open the VCD Properties window (Figure 5.3a) and  simply type the new description into the Label box

5.3-3 Changing the Auto-run command

Open the VCD Properties window (Figure 5-3b) and use the browse button to point to the location of the program.

5.3-4 Changing the creator name

Open the VCD Properties window (Figure 5-3b) and type the creator name in the Creator box.

5.3-5 Changing the Default VirtualDrive

Open the VCD Properties window (Figure 5-3b), click on the Virtual Drive drop box and select a new default drive.

5.3-6 Using Hot-Keys to run VCDs

Open the VCD Properties window (Figure 5-3b), .tab down to the Hotkeys box and press a key (Figure5-3b), e.g. pressing C will create Ctrl +Alt + C as the new Hotkey.

Sequence for the selected VCD: Press Ctrl then Alt then the character key to insert the VCD.

                                                     Figure 5-3b

5.3-7 Making comment on a virtual CD

Open the VCD Properties window (Figure 5-3c) to edit comment on a virtual CD.

                                                          Figure 5-3c

5.3-8 Viewing a VCD's contents

There are several methods of viewing the contents of a VCD.

Method 1 Right-click  the icon of an inserted VCD, then select Browse from the pop-up menu.  

Method 2 Click on a VCD icon in the System tray and you can view  its contents in the bottom-right frame.

Method 3 Launch Windows Explorer and select the VCD drive.  

Method 4 (Audio CD only) Open the VCD Properties window by right-clicking on the VCD icon and selects Properties from the drop menu.

With the Properties window open, select the Audio page

                                                             Figure 5-3d