Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 What is VirtualDriveTM

VirtualDriveTM is revolutionary software that emulates a physical CD drive. A VirtualDriveTM works the same as a physical CD drive in Windows.

You can create an unlimited number of virtual CDs (VCDs) and run up to 23 Virtual Drives. You do not need to physically insert a CD and wait for the disc to spin up - you simply double-click the VCD icon. Another great advantage, you no longer need to swap discs while playing multiple CD games. Just pre-load all the VCDs you will need and enjoy.

                                            Figure 1.1a

Figure 1.1a, above, shows VirtualDriveTM emulating 5 CD drives - drive H, J, K, L and drive M. The left pane lists each VirtualDriveTM and drive letter with the Description of the currently loaded VCD. The right pane displays all VCDs available. To insert a VCD into a VirtualDriveTM, simply double-click a VCD icon.