This README file contains known issues, last-minute info and important information regarding version 7.0 of InstantCopy. For installation notes and information on how to use the software, please refer to the manual.
Before calling technical support, be sure to peruse this
README file, which includes known issues and limitations. Also, check for new
software updates by visiting
in the InstantCopy support section.
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InstantCopy at:
Known Issues
1. You may encounter errors when trying to copy certain types of discs and in different modes. For example, trying to copy a disc in RAW mode - not all burners support RAW mode copying. If you encounter an error when copying, please make sure that your burner supports the type of mode you are copying in.
2. After erasing and/or writing to a rewritable disc, the contents of what was previously written to the disc may appear on the disc in Windows. Simply press the eject button and re-insert the disc and Windows will update the disc with the new contents.
3. In order to insure success when writing to multiple burners, the burners should all be the same model number with the same firmware. We cannot guarantee that you will successfully burn to multiple drives if you are using different burners since each burner requires a different command set.
4. You must erase a CD-RW before copying to it or start with a blank disc. To erase a disc within InstantCopy, insert it into the drive and right-click the drive letter and select "Erase".
5. InstantCopy will give you good results when using the automatic setting when copying a dual-layer 9GB DVD to a 4.7GB recordable DVD. You can also manually increase the quality of the video by removing audio tracks (especially large DTS audio tracks) as this will increase the amount of bits that can be applied to the video.