Each CD writer supports more or less writing modes. Blindwrite has a list of CD units that summarizes all the information we have.
NOTE: As the quantity and layout of the information presented in this window shall change soon, it is not included in the translation, and always appears in English.
This is the number of units stored in the database, and the date of the last update.
This is the name of the CD unit, as it appears in the CD selection window
Summarizes the read speed, write speed, rewrite speed and buffer size of the
This is the internal firmware revision of the unit we have tested. If this field
is blank, this unit HASN'T BEEN TESTED by us.
Summarizes the writing mode supported by the unit:
- If the unit is 'unsupported yet', it means that BlindWrite isn't able to use this unit.
- If the 1st character is a '?', we are not sure of the information provided. A '?' is always followed by a number of different writing modes we suspect to work with this unit. NO UNVERIFIED INFORMATION ON SPECIFIC DAO or SAO mode is provided with an unconfirmed unit. For short, use it at your own risk.
- If the 1st character is a number, it indicates the number of writing modes
supported (from 1 to 5). This information is followed either by:
* DAO OK - means at least one DAO mode is supported
and / or
* RAW OK - means at least one RAW capable mode is supported (DAO or SAO
This CD writer supports 2 writing modes. RAW and DAO mode (can write specific subcodes).
3 - RAW OK
This CD writer supports 3 writing modes. RAW is supported, but DAO isn't (it
can't write specific subcodes)
Click on
to update the list automatically. You must have a valid internet connection
for this operation.
Click on
to print the full list to a printer.
Once finished to browse the list, click on
to return to the CD unit selection window.
We try to keep an updated CD unit compatibility list.
You can find it at:
List of tested / well known CD writers
The most accurate list will always be the latest downloaded list from the Internet.