User's Guide

Several languages are supplied with Blindread and Blindwrite. They can be changed at runtime.

Many languages are currently available with BlindRead/BlindWrite. Attention: Many translations are recent, others are a bit older. English, French and German versions are always the most recent ones.

Language selection


This window lets you select the language of your interest. 

The button opens a dialog to fetch new supported languages.

The process of gathering Internet languages shall not be described in detail here:

* Click 1 - Refresh list (the engine will contact the Internet)

* Select the language of your interest in Downloadable translations

* Click on 2 - Install a language (the language is being downloaded from the net)

* Click on 3 - Close the dialog

The newly downloaded language will be available in the language selection window, and you can switch to it.


Language file naming convention:

Just in case someone cares for it.

A language localization of Blindread or Blindwrite is supported through a language file with the extension SPK. This language file is not directly editable or easily modifiable.

The name of each SPK file is composed of:

* An arbitrary prefix - BR for BlindRead, BW for Blindwrite

* 4 Hex digits, that represent the REVISION of a given language - this is to support multiple translations of the same language.

* 4 Hex digits that represent the LANGUAGE CODE of a translation - This code is standard and can be found in Windows documentation.

* The extension .SPK

e.g.: BR0002040C.SPK means BLINDREAD, REV. 2, FRENCH