Once the parameters have been set up properly, you can start the CD image extraction by clicking on the READ button, and eventually abort it with the CANCEL button.
1 - Nibble (bit by bit) (recommended method):
This method is best to handle errors localized in non-contiguous sectors, like on Safedisc (tm) CD's. This method provides accurate result in any case.2 - Multiple gaps:
This method is best to handle big zones of massive CD destruction, like LockBlok (tm) or Laserlock (tm) CD's.
Whenever there is a large gap of contiguous unreadable sectors on the CD, this method should be preferred.TIP:
Such CD's often have large visible rings with uncommon frames on the CD side, so the CD doesn't look normal on the surface.
To eject the CD at the end, check the case .
Blindread has the ability of adapting its speed to the best value a CD unit can support.
is checked, the read will slowdown to the minimum speed if a read error
is encountered, or will accelerate up to maximum speed if the precedent read
operation is error free.
The label
shows in real-time which read speed is set in the CD reader.
NOTE: Speed settings and the REAL extraction rate have no direct relationship.
The speed adaptation settings can be changed ANYTIME, the changes are effective immediately.
Once you clicked on the
button, the extraction starts.
Here you can watch the extraction engine status and errors in real time. On this snapshot everything is OK.
There is a real-time information about the extraction progress. The text displays:
* :
Elapsed time since the extraction startup.
* :
Estimation of remaining extraction time.
For CD's that contain lots of bad sectors this information is TOTALLY INACCURATE. 20H or more may be displayed for a CD that will be extracted in about 1-2 hours in fact. This is caused by a big slowdown of the CD unit on erroneous sectors.
* :
This is the average bit rate and extraction speed since the extraction has started.
You may want to cancel extraction for several reasons. The most common one is a CD unit which is stuck.
Clicking on the
button ONCE guarantees a SAFE extraction cancellation, but it will take effect
as soon as Blindread can safely abort the process. If the CD reader is stuck,
it might be impossible to exit safely.
Clicking THREE MORE TIMES on the
button will cause a RAW EXIT of the extraction process, but it is likely that
the CD unit will stay stuck and you'll need to reboot to recover the use of
your CD unit.