User's Guide

Step 3 (optional): Recover from partial extraction


If a CD image has been found at the location you have entered, this window will show up. With it, you can restart from a precedent extraction.

Once you have set the required restart position, you can click NEXT to proceed to extraction.

Recover information:

CD Label displays the volume name found on CD, as well as the volume name found in the partial image.

If the background is GREEN, the image matches the CD. In that case, the current progress position indicates where the extraction has been cancelled.

If the background is RED, the image doesn't match. It is highly recommended to restart the extraction from the beginning.

If the background is BLUE, the image match can't be determined. This is the case for AUDIO CD's.

This is the sector offset from where the extraction process should be restarted. The value is pre-set to restart exactly were the previous extraction has ended.

You can restart AFTER the last extracted sector in the CD image. In that case, all the sectors between the last available sector in the image and the sector to restart from are completely zeroed (and will result as unreadable sectors in copied CD)


Preset buttons:

: The extraction restarts after the last sector available in the CD image.

: The extraction restarts at the 1st sector of the last extracted track. It should be used for AUDIO CD's, as there is no possible guarantee that the extraction process will perfectly continue from were it has been stopped, so you might get an audible crack on the copy at this position if you don't restart at the beginning of the current track.

: Complete CD extraction is set, all the previously extracted data will be overwritten.