A sequence is a special type of clip that contains a sequence of clips in order. It corresponds to an edited program. A sequence is created:
- when you import an EDL
- when you import a Cinestream/EditDV project (one sequence per program track "V1", etc.)
- when you select some clips and use the Create Sequence command.
Double click a sequence to display it in a special sequence dialog. There, you can:
- View the clip usages in the sequence as a timeline or as a list
- Zoom in and out of the timeline, and determine whether to wrap the timeline to the window width or not.
- Select large or small thumbnails in the timeline, and whether to show the clip date as well as the name
- Press the clip details icon to show details for a clip usage
- Press the play media icon to play a selection within the sequence.
The sequence dialog is also used when you use View tape as sequence.
You can export sequences as an EDL.
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