How can I merge two EditDV/Cinestream projects together?

You can't directly merge together two EditDV/Cinestream projects but you can import the clip definitions from one project into another using the EditDV Import capture log command.

  1. First you need to decide which is your main project and which you want to import the clips from. You then need to decide whether your want to import the definitions of clips from the "project" window or from the "sequencer", i.e. whether you want to preserve the original start and end points of your source clips, or the selected in and out points of those clips as used in your program.
  2. If you want to use your "project" clip definitions, create a temporary CatDV catalog and import the EditDV project. Select all the source clips from the catalog and export them as an EditDV capture log.
  3. Alternatively, if you want to use your "sequencer" clip definitions, export an EDL from EditDV containing those clip definitions and import the EDL into a temporary CatDV catalog. As before, select the source clips from the catalog and export them as a capture log.
  4. Import the capture log you have generated into your main EditDV project and batch capture the newly merged in clips. You will need to reapply any filters or transitions to those clips.

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