Exporting clips and movies
You can export the clip definitions in a CatDV catalog in various formats for use in other applications. Select the clips you want to export and use one of the Export As commands:
- Export As Movie(s) - if the original media is still available you can export QuickTime or AVI movies for each clip. There are several options: create a small reference movie for each clip (which depends on the original source media remaining on-line); create a self-contained movie (which makes a copy the source media); or recompress with a new codec (convert the movie to different settings, for example to save it on CD-ROM or upload to a web site).
You can also add a burnt in date and time of recording display (if available from DV source movies) and select other advanced options.
- Export As Stills - create JPEG stills from the poster frame of each movie clip, or export scaled versions of still image clips. By default the exported images are restricted in size to make them suitable for emailing, and a whole set of images can be combined into a single convenient ZIP archive.
- Export as Cinestream Capture Log, Premiere Batch Log, Canopus Batch List - you can export batch capture logs suitable for various popular video editing applications, including EditDV/Cinestream, Adobe Premiere and Canopus Raptor. Various additional formats are available in the Professional Edition.
- Export as Tab Separated Text - export all the columns from the current view as a plain text file, suitable for importing into a word processor or spreadsheet.
- Export as HTML - export the clips and poster thumbnails as a simple HTML catalog.
- Export as CMX 3600 EDL - export a CMX-format edit decision list. This command only works on sequences, not ordinary clips.
Use the Export clips based on selection checkbox in Preferences to select whether the whole clip (as defined by its "in" and "out" timecode values) or a selected portion within each clip (as defined by "in2" and "out2") is exported. (If a clip has no selection the whole clip is always used.)
Note that the trial version of CatDV will not let you export or print clip definitions.
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