
Processing a batch of projects

You can export multiple video programs or clips to multiple files automatically. The Batch Processing command uses the export settings and compression options you specify for each video file being created. You can create and save multiple batch lists for easy, repeatable exporting of groups of projects. Batch processing can save time and greatly simplify the following tasks:

  • Exporting several video files overnight
  • Testing several different export settings files to find out which work best
  • Creating versions for different media, such as videotape, CD, and Web delivery
  • Creating versions for different editing tasks, such as offline editing or rotoscoping

  • To export a batch of files:

    1 Choose Project > Utilities > Batch Processing.

    2 Click Add. Select a project or video file that you want to add to the list, and click Open. Repeat for as many projects or video files as you want to export.

    3 For each file in the list, do the following:

  • Select the project or clip, and click Target. Specify the location and filename of the file that will be produced from this project or clip, and click Save.
  • Click Settings if you want to verify the project settings for a selected project or clip.

  • 4 Do one of the following:

  • To make sure project source files are ready for processing, select any number of projects in the list and click Check. This is particularly important if you plan to leave the computer unattended, because missing files will stop all processing. Premiere opens each selected project in turn and verifies that the clip files exist on disk that correspond to the clip instances used in each selected project. If a clip file is missing, Premiere notifies you in the same way it does when you open a project. See Opening a project.
  • To process the entire batch list, click Make, select Make All Sources in List, and click OK.
  • To process a continuous range of projects in the list, click to select the first project you want to process, hold down Shift as you click the last project you want to process, click Make, select Make Selected Sources Only, and click OK.
  • To process a discontinuous range of projects in the list, click to select the first project you want to process, hold down Control (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) as you click each additional project you want to process, click Make, select Make Selected Projects Only, and click OK.

  • Warning: If you click Cancel, you will lose all of your changes since you opened the Batch Processing dialog box. If you decide not to make a movie but want to retain batch list settings you specified, save your settings as described in the following procedures. At a later time, you can open the Batch Processing dialog box and load those settings.

    To save, load, or delete an item from the Batch Processing list:

    When the Batch Processing window is open, do any of the following:

  • To delete a project or clip from the Batch Processing list, select a project or clip in the list, and click Delete.
  • To save the Batch Processing list to disk, click Save, specify a location and filename, and click Save.
  • To load a Batch Processing list from disk, click Load, locate and select a batch-processing list file, and click Open.

  • Producing Final Video > Processing a batch of projects