
Exporting a sequence of still images

You can export a clip or program as a sequence of still images, with each frame in a separate still-image file. This can be useful to move a clip to animation and three-dimensional applications that do not import video file formats, or for use in animation programs that require a still-image sequence. When you export a still-image sequence, Premiere numbers the files automatically.

To export a series of still images:

1 Choose File > Export Timeline > Movie.

2 Click Settings.

3 For File Type, choose a still-image sequence format (generally any file type ending in the word "sequence" and the FLC/FLI (Windows only) file type).

4 Choose the frames to export from the Range menu.

5 Make sure that Export Video is selected.

6 Click Next and confirm video settings (see Exporting a video).

7 Click Next. In the Keyframe and Rendering Options panel, specify options as needed, and then click OK.

8 Specify a location where you want to export all of the still-image files. It's usually best to specify an empty folder set aside so that the sequence files don't become mixed with other files.

9 If you want, type a numbered filename. To specify the number of digits in the filename, determine how many digits will be required to number the frames, and then add any additional zeroes you want. For example, if you want to export 20 frames and you want the filename to have five digits, type Car000 for the first filename (the remaining files will automatically be named Car00001, Car00002, ..., Car00020).

10 Click OK to export the still-image sequence.

Producing Final Video > Exporting a sequence of still images