
Polar Coordinates--AE

This effect distorts a clip by moving each pixel in the clip's x,y coordinate system to the corresponding position in the polar coordinate system, or the reverse. This effect produces unusual and surprising distortions that can vary greatly depending on the image and the controls you select. The standard coordinate system specifies points by measuring the horizontal distance (x-axis) and the vertical distance (y-axis) from the origin. Each point is specified as (x,y). The polar coordinate system specifies points by measuring the length of a radius from the origin and its angle from the x-axis. Each point is specified as (r, ).

Interpolation Specifies the amount of distortion. At 0% there is no distortion.

The following two options are available from the Type of Conversion pop-up menu:

Rect to Polar Moves pixels by using x,y coordinates from each pixel as r, coordinates. For example, an x,y coordinate of 2,3 becomes a polar coordinate with a radius of 2 and a degree of 3. Horizontal lines distort into circles and vertical lines into radial lines.

Polar to Rect Moves pixels by using the r, coordinates from each pixel as the x,y coordinates. For example, a polar coordinate of radius 10 and 45 degrees becomes an x,y coordinate of 10,45.

Applying Effects > Video effects included with Premiere > Polar Coordinates--AE