Parametric Equalization This effect allows fine tuning of tone for an audio clip. This effect is superior to the Equalization effect because you can precisely isolate specific frequency ranges. You can enhance up to three different bands of the audio clip. The sample rate limits the frequency response of a clip, so each band can isolate the range from 0 Hz to a frequency value that equals half the sample rate specified in the Audio Settings dialog box (see Specifying project settings). As you specify settings, a Frequency Response graph indicates the combined equalization curve that your settings create. On the Frequency Response graph, Band 1 is red, Band 2 is green, and Band 3 is blue. You may find it easier to specify settings if you determine in advance the frequency response curve you want. Enable Activates an equalization band and its controls. Frequency Specifies which frequency to modify. This acts as the peak of the effect--the center of the Bandwidth you specify. Bandwidth Specifies the range to enhance above and below the frequency you specified. Boost/cut Specifies the amount of boost or cut applied inside the specified Bandwidth. Applying Effects > Audio effects included with Premiere > Parametric Equalization |