
Using the RGB Difference key

The RGB Difference key is a simpler version of the Chroma key. You can select a range of color, but you cannot blend the image or adjust transparency in grays. Use the RGB Difference key for a scene that is brightly lit and contains no shadows, or for rough cuts that don't require fine adjustments. Select a key color by clicking the color swatch or by using the eyedropper to choose a color from the thumbnail beneath the color swatch.

Adjust the following RGB Difference key settings as necessary:

Similarity Broadens or reduces the range of color that will be made transparent. Higher values increase the range.

Smoothing Specifies the amount of anti-aliasing (softening) that Premiere applies to the boundary between transparent and opaque regions. Choose None to produce sharp edges, with no anti-aliasing. This is useful when you want to preserve sharp lines, such as those in titles. Choose Low or High to produce different amounts of smoothing.

Superimposing and Compositing > Using keys to superimpose and create composites > Using the RGB Difference key