
Image Matte

The Image Matte key uses a specified still image (the matte) to determine the areas of transparency for a clip. Areas in the superimposed clip that correspond to areas of white in the still image remain opaque, areas of black in the still image become fully transparent in the clip, and areas in the image that are between white and black produce varying levels of transparency in the clip.

To get the most predictable results, choose a grayscale image for your image matte, unless you want to alter colors in the clip. Any color in the image matte removes the same level of color from the clip you are keying. For example, white areas in the clip that correspond to red areas in the image matte will appear blue-green (since white in an RGB image is composed of 100% red, 100% blue, and 100% green); because red is also made transparent in the clip, only blue and green colors would remain at their original values.

Adjust the following Image Matte settings as necessary:

Choose Click to select an image. Portions of the clip in the superimpose track that correspond to the white areas of the image are superimposed on clips in lower tracks. The image acts as a filter between the clips.

Reverse Key Click to reverse transparency. Portions of the clip in the superimpose track that correspond to the black areas of the image are superimposed on clips in lower tracks.

Superimposing and Compositing > Using keys to superimpose and create composites > Image Matte