
Setting Title window options

Use the Title window options to specify the size of the title area, a background color, and safe zones. Safe zones are useful when editing for NTSC broadcast and videotape, because most NTSC consumer television sets cut off some portion of the outer edges of the picture. This process, called overscan, permits the center of the picture to be enlarged. The amount of overscan is not consistent across all televisions, so it is best to keep titles within the title-safe zone and important subjects within the action-safe zone. The Title window options include an option to display NTSC title-safe and action-safe zones. For best results, play back the video on a television monitor connected to your computer (see Previewing on another monitor).

Note: The safe zones indicated by Premiere represent only NTSC video and are only guidelines for other video standards such as PAL or SECAM.

Title-safe (A) and action-safe (B) zones

To set Title window options:

1 With the Title window open, choose Window > Window Options > Title Window Options, or right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) in the Title window and choose Title Window Options from the context menu.

2 Specify the following settings as necessary, and then click OK:

  • For Size, type the dimensions in pixels that you want to use for your title frame, such as 320 horizontal (h) and 240 vertical (v).
  • For Aspect, select the pixel aspect ratio you will use to output your final video.
  • For Background, click the box to specify a background color (see Using the color picker). If you want the background color to be visible in Premiere, select Opaque.
  • Select Show Safe Titles to display NTSC title-safe and action-safe zones.
  • Select NTSC-Safe Colors to automatically move colors that are outside the NTSC-safe range into the NTSC-safe range when the title is rendered. This option may mute colors somewhat. If you are creating titles for NTSC television and you do not select this option, colors outside the NTSC-safe range may display poorly or bleed across television scan lines.

  • When the Title window is active, set the background color to black or white from the keyboard by pressing B for black or W for white.

    To speed up display using the Draft option:

    Select Draft in the Title window. The Title window displays faster, at the expense of quality. The Draft option affects the display in the Title window only; the title displays at full quality when you use it in a video program.

    To select text and graphic tools:

    Do one of the following:

  • To select a tool for one operation, click the tool in the toolbox (except the selection tool). The toolbox highlights the tool in gray, and the tool reverts to the selection tool after one use.
  • To select a tool for continual operation, double-click the tool in the toolbox (except the type tool, which always reverts to the selection tool after one use). The toolbox highlights the tool in black, and the tool remains active until you select another tool.

  • Get quick access to most formatting options by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac OS) an object and choosing a command from the menu.

    Creating Titles > Creating and setting up a new title > Setting Title window options